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A week have pass since we fail to save our school but we're not going to let that keep us from continue on and win Love Live so our school can be remember. One day we got invited to Hakodate to attend the Hokkaido Love Live regional as special guest, when we got there I broke off from the group to find out where we're going and after I found out I walk out of the airport to see You and Riko on the ground and Mari fainted in Kanan's arms so I said "I was only gone for ten minutes what did I miss" I walk over there and said "did I miss some kind of show" they look over at me and Dia said "um no, don't worry about it" Chika said "anyway I can't believe we got invited to watch Love Live" Riko said "and as special guest" Yoshiko said "a whole new place to explore, come Lily we must....." she slip and fell on the ground then Ruby said "maybe you should wear something with a little bit more traction" Dia and Mari said "something like these" they held up their leg and then Mari said "with boots like these we can...." they walk on a snow pile and Dia said "take on any...." they fell through and I said "sorry I can't hear you with all that snow covering you" Ruby said "are you okay" Mari said "I can't move my leg" Dia said "Taylor quit laughing and help us out here" I smile and said "I guess I could help my princess out" I walk over and as I was digging them out I heard Hanamaru said "alright I feel nice and warm now with all these layers on" Yoshiko said "Zurumaru what are you wearing" I finally dug out Mari and Dia when I heard a crash so I turn around to see Hanamaru wearing layers of jackets on top Ruby, Yoshiko, You, and Ryuji so I said "hey Ryuji did you have nice fall" he said "ha real funny Taylor" after we help them up we went to watch Love Live. When we got there we was looking at the people performing when I heard someone said "hey guys look it's the monster" I said "if your talking to me then get lost" I turn my head to see two guys looking at me then the guy with short brown hair said "that not nice and here I am wanting to play a quick game with you" before I could say something I heard a girl said "hey are you Aqours" I turn to see three girls and the middle one was holding a camera so I said "come on we're talk over there" the guys nod and after we walk away from the group the other guy said "so what do you....." I said "wait before I agree how did you know you'll find me here" the brown hair guy said "truth is we're from Yosen and we're here to recruit you" I said "sorry but I'll pass, I'm about done with basketball anyway" he said "do you know how far you can go with skills like yours" I turn around and said "yea I do but I don't care about basketball anymore" as I was walking away I heard him said "our school will be open to you if you change your mind" I kept walking to find my seat. When I got to my seat I saw Ryuji sitting down so I sat next to him and said "where everyone else" he said "oh they went to see Saint Snow" I said "remind me again who are they" he held up a picture of them and said "the older one is Sarah and the other one is her young sister Leah" I nod and before I could say anything we heard Dia said "thanks for saving our seats" I saw the girls got back and when they sat down Dia said "what did those guys want from you" I said "they want me to play basketball for their school" Yoshiko said "did you accept" I said "no I didn't" You said "why didn't you" I look down at the stage and said "cause I'm done with basketball, I did what I wanted and now I want to focus on my future now" Kanan was about to say something but I said "show starting" we turn our attention to Love Live. When Saint Snow went on I notice Leah look a little shaken and when they begin not even half way through the performance they mess up on stage then Leah ran off the stage follow by her sister Sarah so I stand up and said "hey I'll be right back" I walk out and when I was in the lobby I saw Sarah and Leah leaving looking sad so I said "I should stop them but..... no I'm sure everything will work it self out" I was about to walk back in there when I saw the girls and Ryuji walking over toward me so I said "what are you doing is it already over" You nod and said "yea they just finish" Chika said "we're going to see Saint Snow now, do you want to come with us" before I could tell them we heard a girl said "oh if your looking for Saint Snow, you just miss them" Kanan said "oh alright thank you for telling us" after the girl left we decide to go find a place to stay. On the way back Chika said "do you think they got into a fight" Kanan said "probably it could happen to anyone" You said "it's kind of scary, if you think about it could happen to us too" I said "I don't think so" Mari said "what make you say that" I said "cause if it could, it would've already happen" Ryuji said "I agree with him but let change the subject now" Kanan nod and said "alright then how about tomorrow we go sightseeing" they agree and when I look over at Ruby she was looking at Dia but quickly turn away when Dia look at her, after we got to the hotel we got up to our room and went to bed for tomorrow. The next we walk around town looking at the sights and around noon we decide to find a place to eat, we found a little restaurant and Chika said "hmm this place some interesting" she open the door and said "hello anyone here" Riko said "I don't see anyone but it doesn't seen close" Hanamaru said "can we figure this out inside" we went inside and while I was taking off my shoes I heard someone crying and when I look down the hall Ruby said "did you hear that too" I nod and said "yea, let check it out real quick" we went down the hall as the other was in the other room, when we got to a door Ruby open it and we saw Leah crying in her bed then she look at us and before we could say something we heard Dia said "hey Ruby, Taylor where are you" I pat Ruby's shoulder and said "come on let get back" we walk back into the other room where everyone was, when we sat down Sarah and Leah brought some food out for us. While we was eating Leah was looking at me and Ruby then we heard Dia said "oh sorry about what happen yesterday" Sarah said "it's alright" Leah said "just eat your food and get out" she lend close to me and Ruby then said "don't tell them what you seen or your be sorry" before she could leave I said "it's not good to keep....." she threw a pan at me knocking me out of my seat and left, I heard Sarah said "are you okay" I stand up and said "that girl almost got Riley beat on hardest hit" everybody sigh and Riko said "no time for jokes Taylor" Sarah said "well I guess she's still upset about yesterday" Yoshiko said "we heard you two got into a big....." Hanamaru shove a spoonful of rice into her mouth and Sarah said "it's okay, stuff like that happen and I don't have any regret about what happen" she sigh and said "I know Leah can make it next time" I saw Leah walk out from the back and said "no I made up my mind I don't want to be a school idol, I'm seriously quitting, Saint Snow is officially disbanded" Sarah said "are you sure, your still a first year you have another chance" she said "yes I'm sure I don't anything to do with school idols anymore" Leah took a look at Ruby and left then Sarah said "we're sorry we didn't mean to make a scene while you was having your meal" Chika said "it's okay" after that the room was silent and after we ate we headed out. They decide to head somewhere else while I decide to head over to do some shopping cause I wanted to buy Dia something for thanks for sticking with me through everything, after I was done shopping I went back to the hotel and when I got into my room I heard Ryuji in the shower so I said "hey I'm back" he said "alright, where did you go" I said "oh I just did a little shopping" he said "did you buy Dia something" I blush and said "shut up, you don't know that" he got out of the bathroom and said "I know now" I sat down on the bed and put the shopping bag next to the bed then said "I bought her a little something for Christmas" he nod and said "ah I forgot it's almost Christmas" we heard a knock on the door so I walk over there and said "Ryuji take a step back onto your bed" he jump on his bed and when I open the door I saw Ruby standing there and she said "hey Taylor I need your help" I said "whoa calm down, what do you need help with" before she could say something Ryuji said "hey I can help too" she jump and said "um tomorrow I'll come and get you before we leave" she took off running and I said "I wonder what that was about" Ryuji said "did I do something to her" I shut the door and said "don't know, I'll let you know tomorrow I guess" I lay down in bed and we talk a little bit before I pass out.

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