The Monster vs. The Hound

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We was down by nine points and when the referee threw the ball up I jump for it with the guy that is call The Hound, I knock the ball to my teammate and took off running down the court and when I saw the ball flying my way I heard Hound said "hey trash" I turn my eyes to him and when I saw his eyes I froze letting him get the ball and he ran down the court to score leaving me standing there, I snap out of it and said "so that what he mean, well two can play this game" I saw my teammates running with the ball again and I took a deep breath then said "alright let play boy" I saw the ball flying to another person but I ran over there, grab the ball and score then said "listen here Hound, I made a promise that I'll win this game and your not going to stop me" he laugh and said "about time someone is taking this seriously" I ran down the court and when I saw Hound with the ball he ran pass my teammate about to dunk the ball when I jump in front of him knocking the ball from his hand and when I saw my teammate with the ball I started running down the court with Hound then I saw the ball flying through the air and when I jump for it he jump in front of me so I shifted my movement in air and caught the ball without him touching it and score it before he could react. After some back and forth gameplay I maintain to tied it up with 30 seconds left on the clock, we called for a time out and I heard Keaton said "hey Taylor how you holding up" I took a drink and said "I can hold out, don't worry about me" he nod and said "alright I'm sure their still going to put The Hound in so Taylor that your target" I said "wait there a shot I've been working on, let me do it" he stand up and said "no way your not going to sacrifice our chance of winning" I stand up and said "Keaton please let me do this, I want to show them how far I came for this" he sigh and said "alright fine but if you miss then your buying us dinner" I nod and said "and if I make it, I'll confess my feeling to her" he smile and said "alright let do this team" the team said "let get Taylor a girlfriend" I blush and said "shut up" they laugh and when I look up in the bleacher I saw Dia looking at me smiling so I look away and said "did she hear that, I got to focus on this shot" I heard Keaton said "alright get out there and make sure you follow the plan" we nod and when we got out on the court it was their ball and when the game start back up I notice The Hound have the ball and walking toward up wasting up time so I said "damn it, if he keep walking then......." I heard someone said "I got it for you" one of my teammate went for Hound but when he got to him he dash pass him and duck the ball and said "your not winning this game, I just seal your fate" I look up at the score board and saw we only have 5 seconds left so I said "hey guys give me the ball alright" I heard Hound said "alright boys defend the this shot" I saw the other team form up around the basket and when the game started back up they pass me the ball so I shot it from half court as it was flying through the air I turn around and said "please let this shot make it and I'll do it" I heard the buzzer went off and then I heard Keaton said "nice shot Taylor" it look like I made so I turn to the bleacher to see people cheering so I walk over there and as I walking up the bleacher toward Dia I started to get nervous that what happen when she don't like me but I shake my head and when I got up there I heard Chika said "great game Taylor" I nod and said "thanks, hey Dia I want to ask you something" she pointed at herself and said "huh me" I nod and said "I love you Dia and if you don't feel the same way I'm okay with....." I heard her said "took you long enough idiot" I look over at Dia and without a word she wrap her arms around me then said "I love you Taylor" I smile and said "thank you and I'm sorry for not saying it sooner" I heard Kanan said "well we should get out of here and let these two have their space" Dia pull back and said "no it's fine, go hang out with your team Taylor this is your first win so......" I pull her into a hug and said "no I want to spend it with you" she smile and said "alright fine, let spend tonight together" after standing there for awhile I got change and headed out with Dia.

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