54- You're My Way Out

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"You won't let this down will you." I roll my eyes as I walk away from him and made my way to the parking lot.

"whoa hey slow down, crippled remembered." He called out. 

I debated wether to take off in a full sprint towards my car just to bug him, but I was wearing a skirt so it won't be the smartest idea. So instead I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"I well let it go if you tell me the true reason, because although I would love to think my smile is what caused it I know it wasn't." He caught up to were I was standing but was out of breath. 

I wish I had sprinted away. I took a deep breath and looked at him straight in his eyes. 

"Your smile made me see what everyone else sees in you, I never saw it until today. And it was not what I wanted to happen, I told myself not to let it happen but it did. And when things don't go as planned I panic. I didn't even know it was happening until you pointed it out." I took another deep breath, I can feel my heart rate spike. I closed my eyes and took a deeper breath. 

"Jasmine, hey you're okay. Just breath. Listen to me, I know there is no true rational explanation for panic attacks but you can't control everything. I KNOW you can throw a punch, maybe you need to learn how to roll with the punches life throws at you." I can her his humor on the last sentence. 

"Oh God please stop," I laughed " I can't take the cheese jocks anymore." I took another deep breath and opened my eyes. 

"If they make you laugh or at least smile, I will continue them." He grinned. "Now can we continue this talk in your car, I can't handle standing anymore."  He grown. 

"Three cars down, you think you can make it? Or do you need a piggy back ride?" I joked.

I started to walk towards my car but Justin grabbed on to my arm. 

"I don't need a piggy back ride but I do actually need a shoulder to lean on." He smiled down at me. 

"Justin you're way taller than me, what can I help you with." I wrapped my hand around his waist as he wrap his hand over my shoulder. 

"Jasmine you are soo innocent it's cute. I just want to test out a theory and its was right." He looked at me but I refused to look at him because I knew I was going to blush. 

"Well why don't you enlighten me with your discovery." I knew he wasn't using me for leverage. I've done this too many times for Jesse to know better. 

"That being this close to you doesn't trigger your claustrophobia. And I wanted an easy way to do this..." He stopped us right next to my car and turned to give me a hug. 

"I want you to know that it's okay to not be okay." He whispered in my ear before he gave me a light squeeze before letting go. 

"I knew you weren't using me as leverage. Does your foot even hurt?" I unlocked the car and got in. 

"Yes but not enough need help to walk, but you figured that out already," he buckled his seat belt. "I just wanted and excuse to get close to you." I rolled my eyes but still smiled. 

I turned my car on. I checked my phone for any message and pressed play on my music before putting it in driving mode. I knew to give him a minuted before I started to drive so these were perfect opportunity. 

"Smooth real smooth." I said sarcastically, but deep down I knew it was actually a real smooth move. 

"Smooth enough for you to finally agree to go on an official date?" He turned to look at me at the first red light. 

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