Soft shelax pt1

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Some sad stuff in the beginning so if you are triggered by that stuff don't read but mostly softshot.

I look at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to. I didn't want to see myself. I applied my makeup before turning away from the mirror in disgust.

I am ugly.

Now I know why Parker broke up with me.

Because I'm ugly.

When I had told ross that me and Parker broke up, he invited me to stay with him and max for a bit.

That's where I am now. I walk out of the bathroom with a fake smile on my face. I walk into the living room and see Ross and his girlfriend Ashley watching anime.

Another reason I came is because Max and Krista broke up a little before me and Parker.

I walk into the kitchen and see max eating some cereal.

"Hi max." I say giving a slight smile and a wave.

He put on a smile then replied with a "Hey."

I let out a sigh and head to the toaster. I put some bread in it and wait for my breakfast.

"So how are you holding up Shelby?" Max asks, bring his attention towards me.

"I'm fine I guess." I lie as my toast pops. I put it on a plate and turn to him, "how about you?"

"I've been better." He replies and I sit next to him.

"Breakups suck." I say laying my head on his shoulder lightly. He rests his head on top of mine.

"Yeah they do." I feel him grab my hand and rub his thumb over my palm. "We'll get through this together okay?"

"Mhm." I nod slightly. Then I had randomly gotten a sudden gust of negative thoughts.

Your to ugly for anyone to want to be with you.

Max will abandon you.

He doesn't care for you.

No one will ever love you again.

I sigh and grab my plate, removing my head from Max's shoulder.

"I'm gonna eat upstairs, we can talk later okay?" He nods at me, "also I believe you will find the luckiest girl in the world. She is that because she'll be with you. So believe in yourself okay?"

"Only if you believe in yourself. Because you only deserve the best." He says back. I nod a little with slight heat on my face.

Sorry max but I cant believe in myself.


I head upstairs and into my room. I leave my toast on my bedside table and head into the bathroom. I get my razor from the shower and roll up my sleeves a little.

I haven't done this in a while.

I apply pressure and let my skin slice. I do this a couple more times before I clean everything, including my razor,  up. I put it back in the shower and pull my sleeves down. I walk back in to my room and go on my phone for a while.

\Trigger over/
Time skip-
I head downstairs because I had postmated a burrito and it was here. I got to the door and opened it. I recessived my burrito and they left. I sat on the couch with it and started eating.

I hear footsteps on the stairs and freeze up. I really don't want to interact with people right now. "Oh hey Shelby! How's your food?" I hear Max's voice ask. I turn to him and smile.

"It's good I guess. Sorry I should have gotten you one." I apologize to him I look down and my thoughts start to fill me.

Wow your such a bad friend.

You couldn't even ask him if he wanted a burrito?

Why would he care for you if you don't care for him?

"You okay shelbs? You can talk to me. You seem a lot more distant than you did when you flew in." I nod, trying to avoid the subject but he wasn't dropping it. "Tell me the truth, I just got out of a breakup too. I want to help you." I sigh and look up at him with sad eyes.

"Max am I worthless?"

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