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I walk back into school and head to my first class, PE, in the gym. On my way to the gym I saw some of my bullies. I tried to keep my head down but they saw me anyway.

"Hey nerd! You tryin' ta hide from us!?" One asked in a cocky voice. I shook my head no and he smirked. "Good! Cause I can't wait to get my anger out on ya!" He says cracking his knuckles. He walks over and punches me in the stomach.

At this point I just accept the pain I'm given. I let them beat the crap outta me, then they leave.

I go into the locker room and change into my PE clothes, sweats and a long sleeve under my shirt.

I walk into the gym just on time before the teacher got in there. I see my bullies smirking, because I was wearing sweats and everyone else was wearing their shorts and t-shirts.

He takes role call and we head to play basketball. I somehow end up on a team against my bullies. When they were 'passing' to each other, they hit me right in the forehead. I had fallen back on my butt and got laughed at. I got up and rubbed my head then continued to play. Let's just say I had a throbbing headache.

When we finished PE I headed to my locker and started to change, when the amount of people lessened. I left the locker room and headed off to my next class.


Math was my favorite class. I think that's why my bullies call me a nerd.

I get in the class and sit in my seat in the front. All the populars sat in the back. I got out my homework and my notebook. I started to copy down the notes on the board as more people come in. They all sit in their respective seats and class starts. Theres a knock on the door and everyone looks back at the door.

"Oh yes I almost forgot!" The teacher says as he jogs to open the door. He does so and I see a shortish, skinny boy walk through. I could tell he was popular so I turned back around to finish my notes. "Ethan here, just got his schedule changed, so he's in this class now."

"Ah hell yeah! Ethan what's up ma man!" Another popular guy says going up to him and giving him a hand shake.

Wait a second.

I turn back around and see there is no more empty seats in the back by the populars. I turn to my right and left to see two empty seats.

I'm really not popular, like at all.

There isn't any else anywhere. I facepalm and wish that the teacher wouldn't put me next to him. I hit my head repeatedly with my notebook.

I'm really praying and hoping.

I see another outcast girl doing the same as me. There was a seat in between us. She looks at me with a devastated face and I nod back. We both lay our heads down on our desks, both not wanting to be here.

"Okay Ethan, you can go sit next to... hmm.. oh how about Shelby! Shelby raise your hand!" The teacher says. I keep my head down and raise it slightly. I hear some populars laugh at me.

"Sorry bro, wish you could sit back here! She's a weird one don't talk to her." Some guys says and I look at the girl again.

'This sucks." I mouth to her.

She nods and then mouths back, 'I'm sorry.'

'It's okay.' Then he sat right in between us. Right when I was about to make a friend. I turn my head to my desk so he doesn't look at me. I sigh and look up to the board. I feel his gaze on me and tried to ignore it. He'll probably just end up bullying me too. I look down at my legs and then remember I had worn ripped mom jeans today. There was a very visible bruise on my thigh. I put my binder on my lap to cover it. I felt his gaze lead away from me. Then class continued.

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