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Ok this is in the time where Shelby still lived in New Jersey not in CA! And before Max got a girlfriend!

I was walking my dog, Shadow, when I heard someone walking behind me. I continued to walk, ignoring it, believing it was just someone taking a walk. When I turned down my street to go back home I still heard the foot steps. I was internally freaking out but continued to walk. When I got to my house, I walked in the gate and turned around for the first time. I saw some person in a hoodie, with their phone out taking pictures. I assumed they were taking pictures of my beautiful blossom tree so I thought nothing of it.

I walked inside and let Shadow off of her leash. I looked out the window and still saw the person standing there. At that point I was scared. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts, while walking to my room. I pressed Ross's contact, cause he is the only one I can really ever trust, and called him.

"Hello?" He said from the other line.

"Hi Ross, Um this is urgent." I replied back in a panic.

"Woah shelby, what's wrong? What happened?" He asks.

"Well I was walking Shadow and this creepy person was following me on the way home and then took pictures in front of my house. Ross I don't know what to do. I'm so scared." I sat on my bed and started to shake.

"Well first of all tell your parents, then tell the police, and then if it gets worse come to Washington for a week to see if it stops. I'm sure everyone would be stoked to see you anyway." Ross replies and I can hear his smile.

"Okay thank you ross. And I will think about that offer."

"Okay bye."

"Bye." I say and hang up. I sigh and call my mom.

"Mom?" I say.

"Yes honey?" She replies.

"I think Someone is stalking me." I start to shake again.

"What? How come?" She asks with worry in her voice.

"Well I was walking Shadow and some person was following me then took pictures in front of the house."

"Okay honey we will get through this. Did you already call the police department?" She questions, concerned.

"No I'm about to though."

"Okay you go do that now and I'll try to get off early, Okay?"

"Mhm. Thank you mom." She hums from the other line and hangs up.

Timeskip a week-
I walked into my house, after coming back from the post office, with a box and an envelope in my hand. I walk into my room and start to open the mail.

I open up the box to find laminated pictures of my house and address. I quickly grab the letter and open it.

Dear Shelby,

As you can see I have found it where you live. It's no use trying to catch me. You never will. Good luck trying.


I hold my hand up to my mouth and quickly gather everything up and head to my car. I drive to the police department and head inside.

"Hello my name is Shelby and I need to talk to Someone about a stalker and proof." I say to the receptionist.

"Okay we have an opening in a few minutes if you would like to wait on the bench right there." She says pointing to a bench across from her. I nod to her muttering a quick 'thank you' and head over to the bench.

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