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Honestly shelbs needs to wear beanies more! Look at that bean!!

I invited to squad over for a sleepover cause gizzy moved out. Soon everyone arrived such as Parker, Ethan, Andrew(sigils), H, and Jermey.

Liam suggested we play seven seconds in heaven and everyone but me agreed so I was forced to do it. We all sat in a circle and Ethan spun it first. It landed on me then I spun it.

It landed on Parker and I blushed. Me and Parker both get up and go into the small bathroom. We both stand there awkwardly until he grabs my hand. I look at him confused and he pecks me on the lips.

I blush super hard and grab his face. Me being shorter pulled his face down slightly so our noses were softly touching. He pulls me close to him and I kiss him lightly.

After we kiss we just stand there holding hands till Ethan says we can get out. Finally seven minutes later we walk out but our hands aren't together.

"So anything happen?" Andrew asks.

Me and Parker look at each other before saying "Nope!" While smiling.

Hehe ok I thought his was cute! Here is your sharker oneshot for whoever suggested it!

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