Shethan!! P2

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I walk into the locker room and all the girls just stare at me. I awkwardly wave pushing up my glasses and run over to the teachers room. Ok before your like oh she doesn't have glasses! Oh yes she does so you can't say other wise! I could hear murmurs like "wow she is really fast." "I wonder if she is faster than Ethan?" "She looks really shy."

I speed walk into the room and over to the desk where my teacher sat. "I um h-hi I'm Shelby and I-I uh mover here and I'm new."

"Oh hello Ms. Shelby you will be in my class. Here take some clothes and change in the bathroom we will get you a locker tomorrow." I nod taking the clothes out of her hand. I walk over to the bathrooms having to walk back all the girls. I go into the stall and change. When I walk out I go back to the teacher and give her my clothes.

"Can you um keep these in here please?" I ask very shyly. She just simply nods and I put my clothes on her desk. I sprint out of the locker room getting some stares and into the gym. I walk over to where everyone was crowded up on the bleachers and sat in the far corner being covered by shadows. I look down at my hands until someone sits next to me.

"You ok?" The person asks I look over and I meet a pair of blu and green eyes. Ethan?Right? I simply nod not saying anything until I hear a whistle. I push up my glasses. Ethan stands up and offers his hand to pull me up. I hesitantly take it and he pulls me up. He lets go of my hand and walks over to his friends and I stand by myself the farthest I can from everyone.

"Ok today we will be having a running competition." The teacher announces. I can feel all the girls start to stare at me and crowd around me. "Be on my team." "No my team!"

I slowly backed away from the girls fighting and ran away from them. "I will be choosing the teams today! Ok Max, Ross, and Shelby. Ethan, Mark, and Tyler. Veronica, heather, and Dallas....." I didn't listen to the rest as two boys walked over to me.

"I'm ross! And this is max. Your Shelby right?" I nod shyly. "Ok I'll go first, max will go second, and you will go last cause your the fastest he said to me." I nod again and everyone gets where they are supposed to. I stand next to Ethan waiting for my turn to run.

"Hey is it ok if I call you shelbs?" He asks and I look at him surprised. "So I can't?"

"N-no you can I just haven't had anyone give me a nickname before or even be my friend."

"Well then I'll be your friend now get ready to run." I look and see max running towards me he hands me the relay race stick thing and I run with Ethan catching up to me.

We both run over the line and put our hand on our knees. "And it was a tie!" The teacher exclaims I look up and stand up to. I give the stick back to the teacher and start to walk away behind everyone. Ethan comes up to me and offers a high five. I weakly smack his hand.

"Let me guess you have never high fives a guy before?" I shake my head and he sighs. "Hit it as hard as you can."

"But that would be mean to hurt you."

"Oh come on just do it." I smack his hand as hard as I can and both of our hand are red. Hehehe YouTube sensation redvacktor!!
"I underestimated your strength." He says shaking his hand around trying to get rid of the pain.

"Sorry sorry I'm so sorry. Do you need and ice pack. Or a uh-" he put his finger on my lips.

"I'm fine now go get dressed I'm gonna walk you to lunch." I nod shyly and walk away. I walk into the locker room and get my clothes from the teacher. I walk to the bathroom and change. I give the other clothes back to the teacher and walk out of the locker room grabbing my back pack on the way.

I see Ethan walk out of the guys locker room with his back pack and he smiles at me. I smile back and push up my glasses. He grabs my hand and pulls me somewhere. I close my eyes the whole time. I feel him pull me us some stairs and then her stops. I finally open my eyes to see we are on the roof.

"Is this safe?" I ask worried.

"Yeah as long you don't fall your fine." He laughs. I giggle a bit. He brings me over to the edge and we sit down with our feet dangling over.

"I thought we were getting lunch."

"I always pack an extra sandwich so here take one." He pulls out to sandwiches from his back prank and hands one to me. I gladly take it and smile.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Oaks looking at him.

"Pretty girls deserve to be treated right." He replied and I felt my face flush.

"So your saying you. Ethan Nestor. Star runner and popular boy. Thinks me Shelby Grace, nerd and antisocial dweeb, is pretty?" I ask staring at him with disbelief. "I think your thinking of the wrong Shelby?"

"No I mean you. Shelby you are beautiful." The heat rises even more to my cheeks.

He chuckles at my flustered face and takes my glasses off of my face. He puts them on and makes a goofy face. I giggle and take them back. He pushes the glasses up more on my face and puts his hands on my cheeks. He kisses me lightly on the lips and I kiss him back.

Is this really happening to me? I thought for sure I wouldn't get my first kiss till I was 20! Btw that is when she had her first boyfriend and kiss. At 20 years old!

He pulls away from me and smiles. "Your a good kisser you know." He says.

"That's my first." I say shyly.

"Well then I hope it was good."

"Very." I reply and giggle.

I never thought I would kiss someone so popular! Wowie! XD

Ok there was part 2 your welcome!

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