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Zach x taylen from glen wood prep! Sry I'm now obsessed with it.

Me, Raven, and the guys all decided to go to a restaurant to eat dinner.When we got there we sat down and started to eat.

"So anyone like anyone?" Raven asked. "Except tay cause I already know." At the time I was drinking my water and I started to choke on it.

"*cough* what?" I asked.

"Yeah but anyone else?" She asked again. Finn and Zach nodded. I smirked at Finn and he choked and then blushed.

"What? Do you know who Finn likes?" Will asks. I smirk and nod. Finn blushed a deeper red and glances at raven for a split second.

"Oo who is it?" Zach asks.

"That would be rude to tell." I reply.

"Well then who do you like Tay?" Will asks. I slouch down in my seat while a dark red creeps onto my cheeks.

"I'll tell if you do." Finn says.

"No I'm good. I'll just embarrass myself." I quickly get up. "I'll see you guys back at the dorms." I walk away and out the restaurant. I run back to the dorms.

When I get back I run upstairs and face plant on my bed. "Why am I so dumb!" I groan. I pull my knees up to my chest and cry into them.

Taylen leaves and I feel worried. "She forgot to leave money for her food." Will says.

"Yeah but she didn't eat she only drank her drink." I reply.

"Hm I hope she is ok." Finn says.

"I'll go check on her." I say and get up leaving $15 for my food. I run out of the restaurant and to the female dorms. I go up to her room and I can hear silent sobs from inside. I open the door to see her sitting on her bed crying. I rush over and sit next to her putting my arms around her.

"Z-Zach what are you doing here?" She asks silently.

"I came to check on you what's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm so dumb to think he would ever like me." She says.

"Who? your crush? How could he not like you? You are smart, pretty, funny, and unique." I say and feel myself blush.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asks and I nod. She smiles and buries her head into my chest. "Do you like me?" She asks and I feel myself blush more.

"Yeah I think." I smile at her as she pulls away from me. "Why?" I ask. She gently placed her lips on mine. She pulls away from me and looks into my eyes.

"That's why!" She chirps and smiles grabbing my hand.

"So who does Finn like?" I ask.

"Ray." She answers. "They would be prefect!" She exclaims.

"Yeah they would be perfect!" We talk for the rest of the night until I need to leave.

"Love you Tay." I say before leaving.

"Love ya too!"

Awwwww! So cute!!

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