Ethan x shy!artist! Reader

186 1 4

F/c- fav class
F/co-fav color
H/l- hair length
Y/p- your pet
FC/f-fav color fruit.
(Like if your fav color was purple it would be a grape or plum!)
I was running to class. I was late! Again! When I got into the classroom I smiled at the teacher and she let me pass.

I sat down next to my friend Ethan and sighed. This class was so boring. I started to doodle little drawings on my paper.

"(Y/n)!" I shot up at the sudden outburst from my teacher.

"Y-yes?" I look at her scared.

"What is the answer?" She asks again clearly done with me. I look at the board behind her and answer her. She nods her head and goes back to teaching. I sigh and decide to watch her this time.

When bell had finally rung, I ran to art class. The only class I like except for (f/c). I sit in my seat and smile waiting for class to start. "Oh hello (y/n) how are you today?"

"Good how about you Mrs?"

"I'm good too thank you for asking!" I smile at her and then people start to file in. "Ok class today you get to make any type of art with you and a friend in it!"

I gasp and grab a canvas and watercolor paints. I start to sketch out me and Ethan. When I'm done I didn't do the hair cause that will be with watercolor paints. I start to color in our faces with the paint and some colored pencils. When I finished that I start to do Ethan's hair.

It used to be a beautiful blue so thats what I'm going to do. I start to make strokes with many different colors of blue until it turned out how I wanted it.


I start to do my hair. The (h/l) (h/c) hair with (f/co) mixed in with it. The end result beautiful!

Mrs. Kennedy comes over to me and gasps. "(Y/n) it's beautiful!"

"Thank you!"

"I want you to be at the art show in two days. You really have some talent."

"Oh I don't know you know yourself I'm not the best with people." I scratch behind my neck.

"You don't have to talk to them just bring a piece of artwork and sign it!"

"Oh okay maybe I'll think about it!"

"Great and I'll hang this up so sign it!" She smiles and leaves me be. I sign it and write mine and Ethan's names in cursive next to our faces. I get up and give it to Mrs. Kennedy. We smile at each other and I sit next to Ethan watching him draw.

"Who's that?" I ask sweetly but I think I scared him cause he flinched. "S-sorry did I mess you up?"

"No your fine! It's actually you."

"Oh really I did us also." I point to the painting the teacher is hanging up.

"Woah that's really good (y/n)!" He looks down at his drawing. "Yours is so much better than mine."

"Hey that's not true they are equally beautiful!" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I guess."

Time skip-
I sit the awkwardly next to my painting of my (y/p). A lot of people have come over to me and nodded signifying they liked it. I would just smile at them then they walked away.

I saw Ethan walk into the classroom and I waved to him. "What are you doing here?" I ask him putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm here to take you out after your done."

"Did you just ask me out?" I smirk at him.


"I accept blueberry!" I hug him and he pulls out a box. It's a necklace saying 'I belong to blueberry.' I smile and turn for him to put it on. When he does I look down at it and smile.

He pulls a matching necklace out of his shirt but it says 'I belong to (fc/f).'

I smile at him and he takes me out after.

And to this day we are happily together.

Just blueberry and (FC/f).

Hope you liked it I thought I was cute!!

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