Shethan!! P1

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Me, Mark, Jack, and Felix were walking around school. We were the star football players so girls were staring at us. I saw one girl in particular that wasn't staring and was trying to avoid getting seen. She dropped something and picked it up. On the way up she made eyes contact with me and then ran away dropping a paper on the way.

The guys start to go into the crowd of girls and I pick up her paper reading her name.

Shelby Grace Sulick

She has a pretty name. I neatly fold the paper and put it in my pocket. I run back over to the guys. We head off to our first period classes. I walk into math class. I remember when everyone was surprised to see me in an advanced math class. I see that girl sitting in the corner with her hood up looking down at her hands.

I sit down in my seat and wait for the class to begin.

"Hello class today we have a new student! Her name is Shelby! Would you like to come introduce yourself?" The teacher asks. The girl shakes her head no and the teacher goes on with class. She keeps her hood up all of class and does her work really fast. I noticed some feature when we made eye contact. She had glasses, ombré hair, and brown eyes. When class was finally over I notice the girl getting pushed by Veronica into a locker.

I walk over to Veronica and put my hand on her shoulder. "You know I hate it when you do this to new girls." She groans and walks away with her 2 friends. I hold my hand out for the new girl but she just gets up. "Um I'm Ethan."

She looks at me. "Im Shelby." She whispers and runs away super fast. How is she that fast. I can see a water droplet fall from her eye as she turns the corner. I stand there confused. I walk to my next class which is PE. The locker rooms are right next to the girls and boys bathrooms. I can hear crying from inside the girls bathroom. I knock on the door to hear a small "What?"

"Are you ok in there?" I ask.

"No *sniffle* I'm not. No one cares. Everyone hates me. I have no friends. I'm already getting bullied. I wish I could just die right now." I hear the person reply sniffling.

"Hey it's ok I care everyone thinks I don't but I do. I don't hate you. I can be your friend." I say. I hear the door get unlocked and I see Shelby walk out. She has tears stains going down her cheeks. She gives me a big hug.

"Why do you care about me?" She asks crying into my shirt.

"I care about everyone. Now come on you need to get to class and I do too." She nods and lets go of me. She walks off waving to me. "Bye." I say walking into the locker room.

Man she is really pretty...

Ok see this is the kinda stuff I ship! But I do what you guys want. This was requested 2 times so here you go. I can make a part 2 but you need to tell me if you want one!!

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