Shethan p2

106 4 0

I wake up to Ethan cuddling me and us on the couch. The tv is still on and the empty carton of ice cream is on the table. I snuggle up to Ethan's chest, nuzzling him, and smile when he puts his arms around my waist.

"You awake Shelbs?" Ethan asks with a laugh.

"Yeah." I whisper slightly disappointed. I wanted to cuddle more.

"What do you want to do?" He asks sitting up, leaving me. I sit up and hug him tight.

"Don't leave me please." I whisper into his chest. He puts his arms around me and sighs. "I don't know who I can trust anymore. And I really want to trust you so please don't leave me."

"Okay, I won't leave you. I promise. And if I do you can punch me." He says laughing. I giggle and look up and him.

"Okay." I look at his smile and my face flushes. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so hot?

"So it's about 8:30, wanna go get breakfast?" He asks.

"Sure But I need to change and I don't have clothes." I say gesturing down to my sweater and leggings.

"I might have something." He says thoughtfully. He leads me off of the couch and to his room. I sit on his bed as he rummages through his things. Eventually he pulled out a hoodie just a size bigger than me. "Your gonna have to stay in those leggings but at least you'll have a clean hoodie." He hands it to me and turns around.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I told you I wouldn't leave you so.." He trails off and I giggle.

"Okay but don't look."

"Not without your permission." He says sweetly and continues to look towards his bathroom. I quickly change the hoodie and you can tell it's big on me.

"Okay I'm good now." I look at him smiling and he smiles back as he turns around. We slip our shoes on but right as we were walking out the door I tripped and landed on him. He steadied is to make sure we didn't fall over and I quickly got off of him. "I am so sorry, did I hurt you?!" I asks frantically.

"No no Shelby I'm good." He says laughing slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a klutz." I say holding one arm.

"Hey it's okay! Now where do you want to go for food?" He asks looking me in the eyes. I got a sudden voice in my head, telling me to move forward but I didn't. I don't want him thinking he's a rebound. He's not but I don't want him to think it.

"Uh anywhere that's good! Right now I feel like some sort of Mexican food!" I say.

"Perfect lets go!" He exclaims grabbing my hand and leaving the apartment.

We arrive at Alberto's Mexican food. (The good kush👌) I just got a plain bean and cheese burrito. Ethan had gotten a breakfast one.

We sat at a table and ate. I ate half of my burrito and I was stuffed.

"That was so good, thank you Ethan!"

"Don't sweat it. So what do you wanna do?"

"We can record if you want!"

"Sure let's head out!" He grabs my wrist and softly pulls me out of the restaurant. We get into the car and he heads toward my apartment. "You sure your Okay to go back? You can settle down for another day if you want?" He asks me concerned.

"No I'll be fine!" I get out of the car and head towards my floor. When we arrive I unlock the door and see no Parker. I head to our room And see his stuff is gone. Clothes, shoes, essentials, all of it. "H-he.."

"Shelby are you good?" Ethan asks walking towards me. I turn to look at him and he sees the tears in my eyes and the singular one going down my left cheek. His hand goes to wipe my cheek but I turn away from him. I look back at the room and walk in. "What's wrong?..." He starts but sees the room.

"H-he.." I choke on my words, "he left m-me..."

"Sh it's okay. It'll be okay." Ethan starts, stopping to hug me, "I'm here don't worry. I didn't leave you. Just look at me." He says and I continue to look down. He lifts my head and makes me look at him. "I said look at me. Focus on breathing okay? Breathe in, 1..2..3..4, breathe out." I continue to look into his eyes as I breathe.

"Ethan?" I asks shakily.


"Why did he leave me? He said he loved me, but he left. It's not fair! It's not fair goddammit!" I yell pounding my fist on Ethan's chest, trying to stop the tears in my eyes but closing them. 

"It isn't and he's gonna get it big time for doing this to you." He mumbles. I look up in fear.

"N-no. You can't! No! Ethan don't. It just wasn't meant to be I guess. I'll be fine."

"But Shelby. He hurt you. He hurt my family, my best friend, the one I love. He's gonna get it he can't just do that."

"Y-you love me?" I ask surprised. "Why me?"

"Well I wasn't gonna tell you but I guess it's out now," He says turning away, "I didn't want to be used like a rebound."

"I would never do that to you, Ethan. Not gonna lie my brain told me to kiss you earlier, but I thought you would hate me after so I didn't."


"Let's give it sometime. I need to settle down a little win relationships. I need to be single and calm down for a couple months, or even a year. But yes Ethan I believe I have feelings for you to." I wrap my small arms around his torso and cuddle his chest. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Anytime, anywhere!"

Finished it!!

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