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I woke up to a loud boom and a scream. I lazily got out of my bed and went to investigate. I walk into Ross' room to see him huddled in a ball, awake. He was rocking back and forth.

"Ross? You good bud?" I ask walk-in over to him.

"N-no. Th-the Thunder..." he mumbles shaking his head. I sit next to him and put my arms around him.

"Shh, I'm here to protect you bud." I whisper rocking him, rubbing his shoulder.

"I-I know, but it's so scary Max." He says, about to cry.

"I know, I know. Cry it out if you need to." I say. He shifts his position to where his head is on my chest. His hands tremble against my bare chest. I start to feel tears and rub his back. "It's okay bud, I'm always here."

"Always?" He asks looking up at me.


"Bye Ross make sure to visit." Max says waving to me. I sadly wave back with a fake smile on my face.

He just moved into a new home with Krista. He broke his promise. He left me. He said he would never leave me. Was I not good enough? Was it because I was scared of thunder? Does he think I'm a baby?

All these thoughts race through my head as KP comes to cuddle with me. I pet her and sigh.

He won't come back. He has Someone now. I'm all alone now. And I will be forced to remember that broken promise everyday. Why do we have to work together?

I start to let tears fall and KP leaves cause the tears were landing on her. I curl up in a ball and hear my phone buzz. I grab it from my bedside table and see it's max.

I answer and mumble, "h-Hello?"

"Hey Ross I forgot to grab something can you come and open the door for me?" Max asks from the phone.

"Yeah hold on." I say. I hang up and walk downstairs, desperately trying to wipe my tears away. I open the door To reveal max.

"Hey Ross, you Okay? You look like you were just crying." He asks looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah I'm fine. What did you forget anyway?" I ask not looking at him.

"I forgot some games." He walks in and goes upstairs. I follow but just go into my room. He walks out of his old room and into mine.

"Got everything?" I ask.

"Yup, man I'm gonna miss this place." He says in awe looking around.

"Heh yeah." I mumble, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, Ross? Bud? You sure your Okay, I know I promised you I wouldn't leave but, I'm with Krista and you know It's was bound to happen at some point. Also your with Ashley, maybe have her move in." He suggests.

"I'll try." I grumble.

"You know with all that salt you have, you could make a lake in to an ocean." He says, chuckling.

"Heh I'm not salty. Just upset is all." I whisper still avoiding his eye contact.

"Whatever. Hey bro, I gotta go but call me if you need anything." He say then leaves my room.

A minute later I hear the front door shut and I sigh. I lay back on my bed and sigh.

Alone once again.

Okey this was sort of a vent- ish chapter. I was just in the mood to write something really angsty!

ANYWAY~ hope you enjoyed requests are always open!!

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