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"Hey um can you help me?" A mysterious lady in a cloak asked.

"Uh sure what do you need?"

"We'll see I can't get seen or the will bring me back to that awful place." She says and brings me into a corner. She pulled down the hood of the cloak and stared at me with her brown eyes. I bowed down to her but she pulled my shoulders up.

"No bowing please it gets old." I nod. "Can you hide me somewhere or take me exploring? I need to get away from my dad." I grab her hand and nod again.

"There is this really pretty spot in the forest that I think you'll like." I pulled her into the forest not realizing our hands were still intertwined. We got to the spot and realized our hands. We let go and both blushed. We sit under the tree and don't talk really. We just stare at the scenery.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Ethan. My name is Ethan." I reply. I look at her and she looks at me.

"Nice to meet you Ethan." I smile and so does she. Then I hear people running.

"We need to find her!" Some one yells.

"Quick we need To go." She grabs me hand and pulls me through the forest.

"Here lets go to my house." I run her to my house and we walk in and lock the door.

"Ah Ethan your home can you-" my mom looks at us "oh princess Shelby what brings you here and why are you two holding hands?"

"I'm sorry miss if I'm intruding but my father is trying to force me to marry someone. So I ran I met Ethan here and we ran to your house." Shelby explains.

"That still doesn't explain my you two are holding hands." She smirks. We look at our hands and quickly let go blushing.

"I had to run her here cause she didn't know where we lived." I reply.

"Oh ok."

"May I stay here for a while?" Shelby asks.

"Of course will you be staying for dinner." My mom asks.

"That would be lovely. May I?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

"Ok you guys go play I'll make dinner." We nod and head upstairs to my room.

"What did you mean by your dad is forcing you to marry someone?" I ask out of the blue.

"He says that since I'm 16 now I need to get married to our neighboring kingdoms son. I really don't want you." She starts to tear up. I wrap my arms around her patting her back.

"Hey it's ok don't worry. You can always divorce him." I suggest.

"My dad won't let me do that." She cries into my shirt.

"I'm so sorry I wish I could help." I look at her necklace. "Where did you get that?" It was the yang side of the yin and yang.

"My mom gave it to me when I was little she said the person with the other half is my sole mate." She says looking down at the necklace. I quickly go over to my desk and grab my necklace. I put it on and turn to her. "You have the yin side?" She asks. I nod.

I go over to her and connect the two sides. We look at each other and slowly start to lean in.

"Kids dinner!" My mom yells from downstairs. We get up and walk down stairs. "Woah what are your necklaces doing?" I see our necklaces flying in between us attached.

"My mom said this would happen. Once they meet they never leave each other." Shelby says astonished.

"Wait how do you two have matching necklaces?" My mom asks.

"My mom said that the person with the other half of my necklace is my sole mate." She smiles at me.

"Oh ok well dinner is done I made spaghetti!" (Spagootales!) my mom says and we sit down.

After a while of eating we hear knocking at the door. Shelby puts her hood up and hides behind me. My mom goes to the door and opens It to reveal two guards. "Hello have you seen the princess anywhere? She ran away from home today and we can't find her." One of the guards asks. I feel Shelby shaking and I grab her hand.

"No we haven't I'm sorry." My mom replies, "but I hope you find her."

"We do too. Well we will be on our way goodbye." My mom closes the door and I turn to Shelby. I pull her hood down and I can see faint tears on her face. I wipe them and smile at her. She chokes out a laugh. I pull her into a hug.

"Don't worry I'm here for you."

"Th-thank you." We just stay in that position for a while until I finally release her from the hug.

"Well it's getting late we should head off to bed."

"yeah I should head home now."

"Are you sure I can sleep on the floor and you can sleep in my bed." I suggest.

"No I couldn't do that to you."

"I insist your father will be furious when you get home you should stay the night."

"Oh ok sure!" She chirps. I bring her upstairs and we sit on my bed. "You know I can sleep on the floor if you want?"

"No I'll sleep on the floor I'm fine with it." I reply.

"How about we both sleep in the bed and no one is uncomfortable." I blush.

"Ok deal!" We both get under the covers and she starts to slightly shiver. I wrap my arms around her pulling her closer to me.

"Why did you do that?" She asks.

"I saw you were shivering and I don't want you to be cold."

"Oh well thanks blueberry."

"Heh no problem. Now goodnight!"

"Goodnight-" she falls asleep before finishing.

"I think I love you." I whisper and fall asleep.

Honestly my fav ship currently!

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