Max x happy!bubbly!Reader

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I was listening to a really happy song and got inspired to write this!! Sorry to whoever requested the second depressed reader one. I'm not really in the mood yet! I will soon tho.

For some reason (y/n) was in a really good mood today. Usually she's in a bad mood and ignores everyone in camp, but today she would smile at whoever she passed.

Everyone was extremely confused about her happiness but her smile lifted all of their spirits. They all felt happy after seeing her happy. She had that smile that everyone loved and needed in their life. That bright, beautiful smile. For the rest of the day mostly everyone was in a good mood and had a smile on their face.

Everyone but max.

She hadn't passed him today because he had been in his tent for most of the day. When he had finally left his tent for lunch he saw everyone smiling and talking to each other.

"What the fuck happened to everyone?!" Max yelled as he looked around. Everyone, including (y/n), looked at him. (Y/n) got out of her seat and went over to him.

"What's wrong max?" She asked concerned.

"Everyone looks so happy. What happened to them? Is Daniel back?" He asked scared.

"No, He isn't. Quite frankly I'm not sure either. I was just in a good mood today and smiled at everyone, then they turned into what you are seeing." She shrugged.

"So it's your fault." He says glaring at her.

She smiles at him with her eyes closed while saying, "yeah I guess you could say that."

Max's face formed into a dumbfounded expression as he looked at her. Her smile made him so surprisingly happy. He couldn't help but smile to.

She had never seen him smile that big before. "Did I really just make you smile?" She asks walking them to the table.

"I guess you did. You should smile more often. It's really pretty." He said to her, now shyly smiling. His face suddenly went blank. "N-not that I l-like you or anything. I mean your not that pretty. I mean... n-no your pretty Im not saying you aren't! But I don't like you like that! I mean your a good frien-" she cut off his stuttering by putting her finger on his lips. She giggles then smiled at him.

"It's okay max I get it. Don't hurt yourself with the struggling!" She says giggling. He glares at her taking her finger off of his mouth.

"Ha Ha very funny. Anyway I'm gonna go get some 'mashed potatoes' or whatever." He says walking off to the quartermasters kitchen. (Y/n), Nikki and Neil all laughed as he scurried away.

"He totally likes you (Y/n)! And just because you suddenly smiled at him." Nikki say jumping up and down.

"Calm down Nikki. Don't assume things." (Y/n) say crossing her and smiling, while shaking her head.

"You like him don't you?" Neil asks suddenly. (Y/n) froze with a surprised look on her face.

"Pshh Nah," She waves him off, "What are you talking about." She suddenly gets really nervous and looks down. She looks back up and smiles brushing the comment off. "So what are we going to do today?" She asks.

"Oo, I don't know! We should ask max!" Nikki says jumping up and down, totally forgetting about what just happened. Max suddenly comes walking over with a frown on his face, holing a tray with quartermasters 'food' on it. He sits next to (y/n) and pokes at the food, refusing to eat even though he hasn't eaten anything today.

"Hey max, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asks putting her chin on his shoulder.

"I'm so hungry but I'm not gonna eat this." He replies not thinking about how close they are. Most would probably think they are dating but they just have a really close relationship.

"I think I might have something in my bag, come on." She says smiling and taking his hand, running To their tent.

He smiles back and runs with her. They make it to the tent and she lets go of his hand. He looses a warmth in his hand and feels a little sad. She turns back around holding a bag of chips. "Here! Don't tell anyone I have them though." She winks at him and he smiles.

"Okay." He chuckles. "Hey (y/n)?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" She asks all bubbly and smiling at him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks putting his hand on her chin.

"Yeah." She replies completely awestruck.

He slowly pulls her face closer to his. The chips completely forgotten as they kiss. Her hands on his chest, his on her cheeks. They pulled away slowly and he put his forehead on hers.

"I really like you (N/n)." Max says softly with his eyes closed. Their foreheads still touching.

"I like you too dork. Wanna be my boyfriend?" She asks and he separates them.

"Of course."

Okay I was listening to a really happy song and wanted to write something happy! Hopefully this made someone's day! I love you guys!!

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