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Idek where I'm going with this one lol!!

I walked into the school and walked to class by myself.

Like everyday. I walk to school alone and stay alone the whole day. I eat lunch alone. I do projects alone. I do everything alone. It's just how I am. I'm a very shy person. I don't like to talk to people. Well there is one person I would like to talk to. But he's way to cool for me.


I have had a crush on him since the 5th grade and now we are sophomores in high school. I wish I was cool enough to talk to him. But he doesn't even know I exists. Well not anymore at least.

I sigh and sit in my seat. Of course it's next to him. Just my luck. I put my cheek on my hand and look ahead to the board.

"Hey Shelby!" I hear Someone says. I look around the room but can't find who said the words. I feel Someone tap my shoulder and I turn that way. I see Parker looking at me.

"D-did you say that?" I ask confused and flustered. He nods and my face flushes. "Hi to you too I guess." I look back to the board. "Wait how did you know my name?"

He laughs and looks at me "we have been in the same class for like 6 years!" He laughs and gain and I turn away from him.

"I thought you didn't know who I was."

"What no your so cool of course I know who you are."

"I'm not cool. Now shh class is starting."We both turn to the board but I see Parker writing on a piece of paper. He rips the paper into a tiny piece and hands it to me under the desk. I look at the piece of paper and smile.

'I wanna talk after class so meet me by the locker rooms.

Also here's my number

I look over at him and he winks at me. I giggle softly and wait for class to end.

I walk out of class and go over to the locker rooms. I have PE next anyways. I wait for him cause he has to talk to the teacher. I see him walk up to me and I smile.

"How is the coolest girl I know?" He smiles at me.

"Please I'm not cool I'm quite the opposite. And nobody." I sigh and look down clutching my binder. He lifts up my chin looking into my eyes.

"Your not a nobody." I turn away from him.

"Yeah I am." He hugs me from behind. "And it bugs me cause I want to impress cool people like you but I can't cause nobody notices me."

"Why do you want to impress me?" He says turning me towards him.

"Because I love you Okay!"I yell. "I love you and you don't love me. It's probably your first time noticing me and I'm confessing. Oh my god I'm such a weirdo. I'm sorry. I'll leave if you want me too." Tears start to Well up in my eyes and I start to walk towards the entrance to the girls locker rooms.

"I love you too! Okay? Your not a nobody I've liked you ever since we had a class together." I turn to him and start to let the tears flow. I run to him and jump into his arms.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." He whispers back. "and that will never change. Okay?"

I sniffle and nod into his chest. "Okay." I let go of him and wipe my tears. "We better get to class. I'll text you after." I smile and walk into the locker room. He walks into the boys locker room and everyone gets ready and goes to where the teacher assign us to go.

"Okay class today we have free play because of all the people on field trips. So have fun!" Our teacher says and walks away. I see Parker talking to his friends so I go to walk the track.


Only one thing can come from and loser like me being alone during free play.


I always try my best to steer clear of the populars cause all they do is make fun of me, but it doesn't work.

I see a group of them start to walk over to me and I get scared. I start to walk faster which triggers them to walk faster. I start to tear up knowing I can't get away from them.

I feel Someone kick me in the back of the knee triggering me to fall to the ground.

"Oh look idiot Sulick decided to come to school after what happened yesterday." One of my bullies Jace snarks smirking at me. (That's her last name btw)

"Yeah and she didn't even bother to listen to us. What did we tell you. Stay off the track and go make a friend. Oh wait you can't. Cause your an antisocial dweeb." One of my other bullies, Anaya says kicking me.

"I-I'm sorry." I say weakly.

"Hey! You don't talk you know the rules." One of them yells at me. I whimper as they start to kick me again.

"Hey! Who said you could make the rules around here!" I hear Someone yell. I try to look but I can't.

"And who said you could talk back to me." Jace yells back. I try to get up but the others keep kicking me. Suddenly everything stops and I hear my teachers voice.

"What do you think your doing to her?!" He yells.

"Uh Mr. G I'm sorry it wasn't me I swear I was trying to make them stop." Jace says to my teacher.

"Ah Ah Ah I saw you doing it too." All of the populars start to run away. I feel someone pick me up and carry me off of the track.

"Hey are you Okay?" I hear the person ask.

"Uh y-yeah I'm fine but my head hurts." I stir up and it starts to sting.

"Let's get you to the nurse." They help me up And start to walk me towards the nurses office. I had a slight limp due to the kick to the knee. It was really strong.

When we finally get to the nurse the person explains everything to the nurse. "Okay they said that you will be fine and can go home. And by the way my names Ethan I'm new here." My vision cleared up and I saw a cute brunette wearing a blue baseball tee and maroon jeans.

"Nice to meet you Ethan my names Shelby." I reach my hand out to shake. "I'm the antisocial out cast so I hope we can be friends."

"Yeah we will be best friends. Hey do you have any other friends?" He asks.

"Kinda my friend Parker well we aren't technically just friends. But we aren't official yet if that makes sense?" I rub my arm and look down.

"Well then we can be like the three musketeers!"

"Yeah I wish I could tell him I'm going home though."

"I can call him up if you want." I hear the nurse ask.

"Would you please?" I ask sweetly and she nods.

Within a few minutes he is at my side talking to me and Ethan.

"I like you kid we could all be really good friends. Just know," Parker says to Ethan while grabbing my hand, "she's mine." I giggle and Ethan nods chuckling.

Hope you liked it! It was a little different but I had no prompt so!!

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