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Before Shelby and Parker we're dating!

I just landed in Australia for Vidcon and I'm so excited. Bee said I could stay with her so that's what I'm doing. I call an Uber and it takes me to her house.

"Thank you sir!" I say to the man as I get out of the car. He leaves and I walk up to the door. I ring the doorbell and a taller woman comes up to the door.

"Shelby!" She exclaims. I look up and smile.

"Bee!" She hugs me and smiles. She leads me inside and I drag my suitcase along.

"Okay so I got an air mattress, and it fits in my room so that's exciting." She smiles looking at me.

"Yay!" I giggle and smile back.

"Come on lets go get you set up," she grabs my wrist and leads me upstairs, "so I heard you have a panel and a signing?" She says suddenly, looking at me. I look down and scratch the back of my neck.

"Yeah I'm a little scared but it's okay... I guess." I whisper. I look back up at her and we walking into a room.

"Hey you can set up wherever you want, I'm gonna make coffee. You want some?" I nod and she walks out. I put my suitcase on the floor and sit in her bed.

My first ever panel.

What if I mess up?

What if people think I'm boring and don't enjoy it?

What if I embarrass myself in front of everyone?

I put my hand on my head to stop the headache that was coming. "Ugh." I felt something wet go down my wrist and sighed.

Of course I am crying over nothing. I quickly take the sleeve of my shirt and wipe the tears falling. I look in her mirror to make sure I'm decent and walk down stairs. I walk into what I assume is the kitchen and see her scrolling through her phone as the coffee brews. She looks up and smiles a beautiful smile.

"Hey Shelby! You good, you were up there for a while?" She asked.

"Huh oh yeah I'm fine I got distracted on my phone. I also couldn't find the kitchen at first!" I say all bubbly, but I'm lying.

"Yeah that happens sometimes. Well the coffees almost done, so after that do you want to go shopping or something since vidcon starts tomorrow?" She asks.

"Sure I'll go grab my card and my phone." I say running back to the stairs.

I see a cute shirt in the window and sigh.  I know I brought clothes but I need something special for my panel.

"See anything you like Shelby?" Bee asks.

"Yeah But it doesn't see right for my body type." I say back.

"Well we can always try it on! Let's go find some stuff!"  She smiles dragging me into the store.

Timeskip again sorry-
I walk in to her room, now dressed in pajamas, and sit on the air mattress. "Hey Shelby?"

"Yeah?" I reply looking over to Bee.

"Are you scared?" She asks.

"For what?"

"Your panel?" I freeze. I can't tell her.


"That's a lie."

"Fine, I'm beyond terrified. Like what if Im  boring and people want to leave. Or I embarrass myself. It's a scary thought." I shudder.

"Can you come over here?" She asks. I stand up and sit next to her on her bed.

"What's up?" I ask completely ignoring the previous conversation. Suddenly her arms are wrapped around me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry I couldn't see that you were scared before. I'm a bad friend." I wrap my arms around her securely.

"No your not. I just have a bad habit only not telling my insecurities to anyone that could help me." She unwraps he self from me and I let go. She lays down and gestures me to do so too. We face each other and I smile. "You okay?" I asks softly.

"Yeah I just wished I noticed sooner." I put my hand on her cheek and smile.

"I promise I'm fine. Nothings wrong Okay. I was just scared." She sighs and wraps her arms and legs around me.

"Maybe if we cuddle we'll feel better?" I giggle.


Suddenly I hear her sigh and she nuzzles into my neck.

"Hey Shelby?"


"I need some advice."

"Okay what's up?"

"What do you do when you fall in love with one of your best friends?" I stiffen and feel sad for some reason.

"I don't know. Maybe try to find out if the like you back and if not then then they aren't worth your time. Your wonderful, okay?" She looks up to me with an awed expression on her face and I smile.

"Yeah Okay."

"Who is it anyway?" I ask.

"Well she's really adorable, sweet and pretty. She deserves the world and is really tiny. Has beautiful features and an adorable voice." She sighs with awe and I smile.

"She sounds great."


"You still didn't tell me her name." I giggle.

"Her name?"


"It's Shelby."

A sweet, soft shot!!

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