♛EPILOGUE: Welcome to the House of Murderers: "Truths Over Lies and Goodbyes"♛

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Seokjin and Namjoon actually got married two months before Jimin's graduation finally. Jin had the restaurant that Mrs. Park built but since he doesn't want any memory of her, he decided to rebuild the restaurant in his own style. And now he works as a full-time chef in his own restaurant. Namjoon, on the other hand, was forced to be a full-time supportive husband... although sometimes sneaked out to help Yoongi in his work. They now have these adorable three-year-old fraternal twins Joonji and Namji that they had right after their three months in their marriage.

Joonji is a boy, a smart one and a little bit of a clumsy kid as well. He has a dimple on the right side of his cheeks and that is the most charming side of him, well... besides the fact that he could already speak fluently without stuttering, unlike other kids. Gosh, one time he actually asked Namjoon to teach him about astronomy and they didn't even know how and since when he knew the word 'astronomy'!

Namji, on the other hand, is a very strict girl. She likes pink and eating foods that Jin would cook for her. She wouldn't let his Daddy Namjoon even get close to his Mommy Jin since she's afraid Jin would get some 'cooties' or something she said. They didn't know why but it looks like she doesn't like Namjoon that much and so far... Namjoon is having trouble getting cuddles and alone time with his husband because of their little daughter.

Taehyung and Hoseok are still in a very happy... and exciting relationship. And by that, I meant they always still share their random fuck sessions at the most random of times. But unlike before, they often go on dates now, they actually tell each other how they feel for each other. They weren't afraid to express themselves. Well, that couldn't be helped though... they live in the same house now after all. Oh, and happily married too by the way.

They decided to actually get married right after Jimin's graduation. Taehyung proposed, Hoseok said yes, and now they also have these lovely two-and-a-half-year-old identical twins named Hoho and TaeTae. These twin brothers are both a little sneaky and naughty. You could say that they are both little troublemakers.

Yoongi, well... he is continuing his life by himself. Not lonely but he's still single. He now works as a Music producer and sometimes Namjoon would help him in secret. No one even knows that he has a talent in actually making music and all that stuff. He has another work besides that though. He gets to be the babysitter of those four kids and is always addressed as their beloved 'Uncle Yoongi'.

Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon finally made their amends and were actually partners in their business now. They sometimes still end up in a brawl like kids but somehow at the end of the day, they would laugh it out like some idiots.

They were all continuing their lives working and actually living their lives peacefully. No works under the shadows now, no guns or any weird business and no illegal doings anymore...

But that was the "first lie".

And everybody knows how all of this had started with a lie. And actually...

If one lie started... another one would follow.


Two Weeks Ago... Before "The Incident" Happened...

The atmosphere was too heavy as the silence was engulfing the whole place. The place was dark and empty. It was tense... and very thrilling. Well, for Jimin at least. This is actually his first time joining in some gun and action battle since Jungkook wouldn't allow him every time they would go somewhere to kill some bad people who do illegal shit and dared to even try to be on Jungkook's bad side.

♛Confession's Confusion♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن