Baby Wants Out☽7☾

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"Oh, ow!" She put pressure on it and began to rub it to stop the pain.

"Are you alright?" The newly turned hybrid asked worriedly which surprised the girl.

"Yeah." She replied once it stopped. "The pains are gone now." She smiled at him and went back to looking out the window. "Can we stop at the convenience store to get some candy?"

"Sure." He pulled into the nearest store and went with her to get some food. Stefan left to get his own meal which made her want to barf just thinking about it.

On her way out another pain shot through her and warm liquid trickled down her legs. "Nik!" He paused and looked at her in concern.

"What is it, love?"

"I think my water just broke." The frantic look in her eyes was very noticeable as she stared at him with wide eyes.

Klaus hurriedly picked Isabel up bridal style and put her in the car. He called Stefan to tell him where he was headed before he took off to the nearest hospital trying to help his parabatai give birth.


"I want Tylerrrr." She groaned out but was ignored by everyone in the room. He wasn't coming and even if he did he wouldn't be here in time for the birth.

Dear Rose,

I have decided to write you a letter. A letter I hope to share with you one day.

"Push," the doctor said as Isabel tried again. On her right side was Nik as he held her hand tightly. Stefan stayed outside, not allowed in by the doctors. "Come on. Push."

Isabel panted heavily trying to push as hard as she could.

I never knew my real mother and the one I do have is never around, so I'll never know what it was like to carry me. But I wanted you to know how happy and excited I am to meet you.

"Agh." She screamed out in pain and almost broke Nik's hand as she squeezed it tightly.

"Come on, Bel. You can do this love."

Then there's your loveable, jerk, sweet, hot head of a father.

"I can't. I can't." Isabel cried shaking her head.

She screamed again as another contraction hit.

I know for sure he can't wait to meet you. He has been so happy to feel your kicks and watch you grow. I know as soon as he sees you he'd be head over heels all over again.

"Okay. One last push, sweetheart," the doctor said gently.

I think the last thing I have to say is, I promise to give you the things I didn't have while growing up: a safe and loving home, someone to be there for you whenever no matter what, a good mother and father, who would support and protect you with everything they had. In other words: a real family.

The blonde screamed out one last time giving it all she has to push. She soon fell back in the bed as she heard the cries of a little baby entering the world.

Wolf Queen {1} Mikaelson or LockwoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt