Holiday Time

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The night before we were set to go to Los Angeles, i was packing when Jai texted me. 

"Hey Karissa! I'm ready and set for you guys to come see us! We have spare rooms for you in the house! Can't wait to see you again bestie!"

I was ready i just needed to decide on what i was going to wear down there. In the end i decided on wearing shorts and a half top to show off my belly piercing. I also wore flat white shoes. The next morning, i said goodbye to my mum and dad, i walked out the front door and Holly and Amy were waiting. we walked to school with our suitecases. We got on the bus i sat next to Amy. We barely spoke the whole bus ride. I guess i just wasn't as ready as i thought. It's been almost 5 months since i havent seen Beau or even spoke to him.

We arrived at the airport and got on the plane. I texted Luke, Daniel and Jai the same message.

"Getting on plane now, See you guys in 9 hours. Better be at the airport waiting for me, Holly and Amy ;)" I sent them, as a joke.

As we sat down on the plane, i sat next to Holly and Amy. I was in the middle. I put my headphones in and played music. Half way through the flight, me, Holly and Amy were all close again like we were before and i finally started to get excited. I was so happy! I was going to warm L.A! I hated the fact that the whole school were talking about us, because me and Holly were the girls who got with the janoskians. I wasn't slut or a whore. I liked someone, who didn't like me as much as he said he did, but i just had to get over the fact people were speaking about us. I didn't care. If that's one thing the boys taught me, is to not care what people think. 

As the plane landed. My heart was racing as it always does when im nervous or just extremely happy! I took Amy and Holly's hand and we walked off the plan, as we were walking off i touch my phone out and turned it back off. I had a 2 texts from Luke.

"We will wait at the airport for you" recieved 3 hours ago, and "We can see you getting off the plane" recieved just now.

Oh my god. They can be here. The school will see! My teachers will see! Oh my god, i was scared but nervous and excited! I nudged Holly and told her. She screamed and the teacher asked what was wrong, and we both laughed. As we got out the building me and Holly were looking about for the boys, when i saw Luke, Daniel, James and Jai. We both screamed, and i ran towards Luke as i knew Holly would go to Jai. I ran up to him hugging him so tight. Everyone from the trip were looking at us with there mouth open. 

I smiled and cuddled Luke "You don't know how much i missed you" I said 

"I missed you more!" he said. We both looking to Holly and Jai.

Jai was in tears as he repeatedly kissed Holly over and over again and cuddled her. She was laughing and smiling then looked at me. I looked at Amy and i let go of Luke "Hug her, she loves you" I said to him. I walked over to her and brought her over to Luke and she smiled and he hugged her and kissed her cheek. This is just so beautiful. Holly has Jai, Amy has Luke. I ran over and hugged James and Daniel at the same time. Girls from my school were screaming and crying. My teachers had to calm them down. Luckily Mrs Burns liked me and loved the janoskians because i had showed her enough times on the internet in class, so i asked her if we could with the boys for a while. She gave us a curfew and we had to be back at 10pm. It was 9am in L.A and the timezone is killiing me and im so confused. Its so annoying. I was so jetlagged. 

We drove back to the boys house which was 15 minutes away from the airport. When we parked up, we all got out and went inside the house. "Beau is home by the way" Jai said to me.

I sighed. I miss him so much and i love this fucker. You have 2 different types of love. Fangirl love and actual love. I loved Beau in fangirl love. Ive never experienced real actual love before. He was everything to me though, but its almost like i forgot how to fangirl.

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