~Chapter 24~

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I could hear my name being called but I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to sleep more. I managed to open my eyes and looked around my room. It was morning already.

"Katherine" there it was again, but this time the voice sounded familiar. I looked at my bedroom door.

"Sophie, you're back" I sat up and looked at her, she looked mad.

"Want to explain to me what's going on?" she said with a angry tone.

"I was sleeping, are you okay?"

"Katherine, what is a shirtless boy doing laying in your bed?"


It took me awhile to process what she said when it hit me, Jonah spent the night over. I looked behind him and there he was, shirtless and sleeping. I turned back to look at Sophie.

"Sophie I can explain, it's not what is looks like"

"Oh yeah, then what's going on?"

"You see he helped me last night with something"

"Oh really, and what was that?"

It came out weirder than I thought. I turned and punched Jonah lightly trying to wake him up.

"Jonah...Jonah wake up now...Jonah"

He moved but didn't want to wake up. Now that I think about it when did he take his shirt off.

"Jonah...Jonah wake up"

I grabbed the pillow and hit him.

"Hmm, what's going on?" he looked at me.

"What? Are you okay is something wrong?" he said trying to wake up. He sat up and looked at me before looking at the door, I could see the color drain from his face. He got up and looked at me before looking at Sophie.

"Good morning"

"Both of you down in the living room. Now." she said before walking out and heading down the stairs. I turned to look at Jonah.

"We're in trouble aren't we?" he said scratching his head.

"When did you take your shirt off, she thinks we did something, I tried to explain but it came out wrong"

"What did you say?"

"She asked what you were doing here, so I said you slept over because you helped me with something last night" he smiled and looked at me.

"What did I help you with?" he was smirking at me.

"Shut up you're only making this worse"

"Katherine I'm waiting!" Sophie yelled from downstairs.

"Coming" I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Here, it's an extra tooth brush" I handed it to Jonah as he brushed his teeth. He got his shirt and put it on.

"You kept touching me last night" he said walking to me.


"You kept touching me"

I felt my cheeks get hot, I grabbed the pillow and hit him.

"Ahh my cut"

"Jonah, I'm sorry. Does it hurt? Are you okay?"

He leaned in and kissed me, "I'm better now"

He walked away leaving me with a smile on my face. I walked downstairs following him to the living room. Sophie was sitting on the couch looking at us. We sat down across from her.

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