~Chapter 49~

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I opened my eyes as the bright light shined through the room. I covered the sunlight with my hand making it easier for me to look around, the room was white, there was only a door and a bed which I was laying on. I sat up looking around, where am I? I was wearing a white long dress and my hair was loose around my shoulders. I got up walking to the door as the brightness grew stronger, I blinked before getting use to the lighting. There was no one, only white walls all over me. I looked around as panic began to grow inside me.

"Katherine?" That voice it was a voice I missed hearing. I turned around and there she was looking the same as the last time I saw her, except she was wearing a long white dress.

"Mom?" I ran to her hugging her feeling her warmth, it was my mom. I felt my throat begin to close making it hard to breath as my tears began coming out.

"Don't cry baby, why are you crying?"

"Because I miss you so much, each time I see you I want you to come back"

"Baby I will always be by your side no matter where we are we'll always be there, won't we guys?"

She turned around smiling. I pulled away and looked behind her. I felt more tears begin to come out.

"Sophie!" I ran to her as she hugged me.

"Miss me kiddo?"

"Sophie...I'm...I'm so sorry...sorry"

"For what? You didn't do nothing wrong"

"I didn't stop him, I didn't stop Anthony when he took your life that day"

"What happened was not your fault, never think that it was your fault, what happened was something that was bound to happen sooner or later"

She wiped my tears as she held my hand. She looked the same as the last day I saw her. Her eyes began getting watery as she stared at me.

"Seems I'm last in row for a hug?" It was a mans voice. It sounded somewhat familiar. I looked behind Zoe.

He was wearing a white buttoned up long sleeve with white loose jeans. His eyes were a light brown as his hair was black. His face, it looked familiar. I looked at Sophie.

"Seems you were to young since you don't recognize me"

"I'll sorry I don't"

"You look just like your mother, no wonder you have the same powers like her" I looked at my mom as she smiled at him, except this smile was different, it held something...love. I looked closely at them until it hit me.


"I knew you would recognize me"

"Oh my god it is you" He smiled at me before hugging me. My dad, the man I've always held a special place for yet never met him.

"My baby, you're doing amazing, stronger than I was at your age"

"Dad...you don't know how bad I miss you"

"I know baby, but your mother and sister taught you well and look at you, all grown up and even with a boyfriend, who gave you permission to date that Jonah guy"

"You know him?"

"Your mom helped him and I got to see him once in awhile to know he's a good guy and if he's the one for you then I won't have anything against it"

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