~Chapter 1~

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Something was burning. I looked around. There were flames all over the place. The heat was getting to me.


I could feel my throat getting dryer.


I couldn't see her. I managed to get up and look for a way to get our or to at least see my mom. The hallway, it was clear. No fire. I began walking to it.

I turned around and saw Sophie my older sister running to me from the other end of the hall.

It was clear through her face.

"Let's hurry, we need to get out of here fast"

"Mom, Sophie we need to find mom"

She looked at me once again.

"Katherine we need to go"

She pulled my arm. I looked behind me as we made our way out the house and into the front yard. The flames were beginning to spread faster. I turned to look at Sophie.

"Sophie, where's mom"

Tears began forming in her eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry Kathy"


Tears threaten to come out of my eyes once I knew what she ment. I turned back around ready to go back inside, but Sophie managed to grab my arm and pull me next to her. I watched as our house burn down. I watched how the person that brought me into this world faded away from my world.


"Katherine...Kathy...hey wake up we're here"

I opened my eyes slowly as the sunlight flashed through the inside of the car. I sat up and looked out the car window. We had stopped, the car wasn't moving anymore. I turned my head and faced Sophie who was currently looking at me.

"Where are we? Why did we stop?"

"We're here Kathy. Come on lets go buy some things for dinner"

I got out of the car and stretched. It felt nice breathing some fresh air. I looked around the place, we were at a plaza. I closed the car door and walked behind Sophie as we made our way to the front door of the store.

"What should we make tonight"

"Anyhing you want"

I said as I looked around the store.
She got a cart and walked to one of the aisles. I followed her as we bought some things for the next couple to days. We walked to the cashier ready to pay. It was an old lady around her sixties.

"Hello, you guys must be new around here"

Sophie nodded her head before talking.

"Yes, we just moved here from Utah"

The lady smiled before speaking again.

"I see...do you guys have family here. It'll be sixty two with fifty cents"

"A close family relative"

Sophie said as she handed the money to her.

She smiled at us as she placed the items in the bag. I grabbed the bags and put them inside the cart.

"Thank you mam"

Sophie said with a a smile. I swear sometimes Sophie can be so fake.

"No problem dear, welcome to Cresecnt, Nevada. You'll like it here, just don't stay out to late at night it can be a bit dangerous"

"How so"

I said as I looked at her. She looked at me before leaning closer causing me to step back a bit.

"Unusual things appear at night"
She leaned back.

"Well, we'll get going thank you"

She waved by to us as we made our way out of the store. I turned back and looked at her. Old ladies can be weird. I turned and looked at Sophie.

"What do you think she meant"

"Who knows"

I shrugged it off and helped her place the bags in the car. We got in and continued driving to our new home.

Me and Sophie have been living together since our mom passed away which was three years ago. At the time I was fifteen and Sophie was nineteen. Our mom was the only person we could count on. I never met our father, whenever I would try to bring it up Mom and Sophie would change the subject and talk about something else. When our mom passed away we tried moving on but it was impossible. Since that day I keep reliving the day she passed away. I keep having the same dream as if I was there again every single time. About two months ago we had both decided it was best to move homes. That's how we cane here, to Crescent, Nevada. This is our mom's home town. She was born here and raised here that is until she had me and Sophie, that's when she decided to move out. Nana, mom's friend still lives here, she was happy once we told her we were moving here. Crescent is far away from the city. It's surrounded by trees and forests. Nature is something I've always felt attached too and this place has it.

However, there is something else here that I somehow feel attached to.


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