~Chapter 13~

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I layed in bed looking up at the white ceiling in my room. Every detail that I've experienced since I moved here flashed through my head. Zach, Jonah, Jack and Baylee. I wondered if it would have been different if I never met Zach. I snapped out of my thoughts as my alarm sounded off. I reached over the counter and turned it off. It's Monday today, a new week. Sophie opened the door and walked in. I sat up quickly and covered my wounded wrist with my blanket.

"Sophie ever heard of knocking"

"I'm your big sister so it doesn't matter"

"What if I was changing"

"Well you're not, so it's okay"

She walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school"
She said looking at me.

"I should, but someone is in my room"

"Okay, I'll leave in a bit, but I wanted to talk to you about something"

"What is it?"

I knew it would be about something serious since she interlocked her fingers and rested them on her lap. Sophie has a habit of doing that whenever she would say something important or serious.

"I was thinking, and I know you may not agree with it but it was just and idea"

"What is it?"
I asked.

"We moved here to get away from what happened to us years ago, however I don't think this place is doing you any good"

"What do mean?"

"Why don't you go live with Anthony and his family for awhile, until things get better here"

"What? No, I'm not leaving"

"Just think about it, it'll just be for awhile"

"No, not happening. I want to stay here, I have to stay here"

"Okay, it was just an idea. Get ready, I'll drop you off"
She walked out of the room, closing it behind her.

I couldn't leave, I had to know who was the one behind Baylee's murder. I got up and got ready for school. I fixed my uniform and grabbed my things before heading downstairs. Sophie was on the phone. I walked over to the table and grabbed a apple. I walked to the living room and put on my sneakers.

Sophie said looking at me.


We walked out and got in the car and drove to school.

"Anthony called"
Sophie said looking at me.

"I thought he was suppose to come"

"No, he got called in for work and couldn't make it"


"Listen, about earlier. It was just an idea, I know we can't be apart, but I was thinking of your safety"

"It's okay"
I said smiling at her.

"Okay, we're here. I'll be at Nana's the rest of the day in case you want to come over"

"Thank you"

I got off and walked to the front of the school. It felt like the first day all over again. Eyes were on me. People whispered to each other while looking at me. I walked inside and walked to my locker. I opened it and began taking my books out.

"There you are!"
It was a girls voice. I turned to look at the direction it was coming from. It was Andrea, Baylee's best friend, she was walking towards me.

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