~Chapter 31~

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                     -ZACH'S P.O.V.-

"Where is he?" I asked walking into the house.

"In his room like always" I looked at the stairs leading up to the room.

It's almost been a month since Katherine left, since then none of us have bene the same. Jonah of course took it hard amongst al of us. It's reasonable since he loves her. He's been in his room since then, not wanting to do anything and not wanting to talk to anyone. We've tried locating her but it's no use, it's as if the earth has eaten her, she's no where.

"I'm going to talk to him"

"Okay, but I don't think it'll make any difference"

I nodded and walked upstairs to Jonah's room. I knocked waiting for him to open or say something but nothing. I opened the door slightly. It was a mess, there was glass everywhere, the bed was a mess. I walked in looking around.


He walked out of the bathroom wearing sweats and a hoodie, he looked like a mess.

"What is it Herron?"

"Jonah, you're not okay"

"Don't you think I know that already"

"Look. we're meeting up at the pack house later today, you should come"

"For what? There's no point meeting up if we can't do nothing to get her back"

"We can't give up, not yet" I opened the door walking out.

"If you still love Katherine then show up later tonight, the ancestors say they may have a way to locate her"

I walked out heading downstairs leaving him alone.

"Make sure he comes to the pack house later"

"I'll try" Jack said as I walked out heading to the car....

It was around noon already and the sun was beginning to set. I walked out of the house and looked at Katherine's house. It's been dark and lonely since she left, we've made sure nothing happens to it, but how can we even know if she'll come back. As for the things in her car they were just the diaries, which she left behind.

"Come on we should get going" Kay said walking to the car.

"Zach, do you think she'll come back, do you think the ancestors can actually locate her this time...what if she's..."

"She's not Kay, if she was then I would have felt it after all my bloodline would feel if something would happen to her"

"You're right, sorry"

"It's okay, come on let's go to Daniel's place"

                   -JONAH'S P.O.V.-

I looked out the window watching the sun set upon us. Katherine isn't back and not matter what I do I can't find her. I don't want to loose her but I feel like I already did.

"Jonah...we should go"

"You go"

"Jonah, stop this already, nothing will change if you just stay here and keep doing nothing" I got up and looke at him.

"Nothing is goin to change if we go to Daniel's house, she's not coming back Jack"

"You're giving up on her already, don't you love her"

"I don, but she wouldn't have left if she loved me"

"You have to understand her Jonah, she was hurt. Remember when you were hurt, no one was there for you until Violeta reached out and helped you"

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