~Chapter 3~

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I walked out of her house. I looked back one more time only to see her gone. I walked inside my house and went upstairs to my room.

"You know..."
I said closing the door and looking at the desk at the corner of my room as she sat down facing me.

"I don't know who she is but I know she's hiding something, I want you to befriend her"

I looked at her as she stood up from the desk and walked over to me.

"You want me to befriend her? Why?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me. I walked over to the desk and leaned against it looking at her.

"Just do what I say"

"What makes you think she's hiding something, you barely even met her"

"Just befriend her and we'll see what we'll do from there"

"You always end up in other people's buissness Zachary"

"Fine don't do it, I'll do it myself"

She looked irritaed for a second.

"Fine I'll do it once we go back to school...you owe me one"

I smiled at her.

"Thanks Kay"

"I'm leaving now"

She walked out and left. I turned over to the window and looked at Katherine's house. There's something about her that's isn't right I can feel it. I have to find out before someone else does.


Beep Beep Beep

I turned over on my bed and got my phone. I looked at it but quickly closed my eyes due to the brightness. I turned off the alarm and faced the ceiling. A week has passed since we moved here. I've gotten use to being here but something about this place makes me feel uncomfortable but I don't know what it is. I looked at the time on my phone.

"Six thirty"

I sighed. Today is my first day of school. Mythical High. It's good that it's the start of the new year. I got out of bed and walked in the bathroom attached to my room. I used the toilet before getting in the shower. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out to my room. I took out the clothing from my closet and layed it on my bed. The school I was going to attend is a private school, meaning, school uniforms.

The uniform was okay, however it would be something that I would have to get use too

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The uniform was okay, however it would be something that I would have to get use too. I changed quickly and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad. I blowed dryed my hair and applied a bit of makeup on. I walked downstairs to see Sophie making breakfast.

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