~Chapter 2~

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"There's the house, it looks nice"

I looked towards where Sophie was pointing. It's a two story house. The light brown color made it stand out from the trees around it. We pulled up to the driveway. There were a couple more house around. We got off the car and carried the bags inside our new home.

"Thank goodness the moving company was able to get our things here already"

All our boxes and furniture were here already. I set the bags in the kitchen and walked upstairs to the rooms. There were three rooms with a bathroom in each one of them. There was also a bathroom downstairs. The house had a kitchen, living room, and front and back patio. I walked back to the kitchen and noticed a door next to the kitchen window. I opened it and saw a staircase leading downstairs.

"Hey Sophie we have a basement"


She walked into the kitchen and looked at the stairs.

"I say we got check it out"

She said with a smile on her face. I always hated basements I don't know why but the thought of them always creeped me out. I watched as she turned the light switch on making the lights turn on downstairs. She began walking downstairs as I followed her looking back just in case. We reached the bottom floor. There was a window allowing some sunlight from outside. There was a book shelf with a couple of books but by the looks of it they looked old. There were some boxes too.

"I was expecting something terrifying"
Sophie said as she looked around.

"What do we do with these things"
I said as I wiped some dust off the boxes.

"Well we have to fix everything upstairs before we fix things down here"

I looked around once again before we walked back upstairs to the kitchen. Sophie closed the door before walking to the living room.

"Hey Sophie, who were the previous owners that lived here"

She smirked and looked at me.
"Why do you think this house is haunted"

I said as I looked out the window.

"Not sure, Nana said this house was close to the high school you'll be going to and she said mom use to live in this neighborhood"


"Come on we better get our things to our rooms so we can have dinner"

She grabbed one of her boxes and walked upstairs to her room. I grabbed a box with my name on it and made my way upstairs to my new room.

We began fixing the furniture in our living room when we heard a knock on the front door. I looked at Sophie.

"Go see who it is"

"Why me you go"

"Well Katherine I'm busy fixing this lamp"

I sighed before I made my way to the front door. I opened it.

"Hi there"

It was a guy. He had short brown hair. His smile would make any girls heart melt. He had on a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans with black and white converse.
I looked at him again before speaking.

"How may I help you"
He looked at the fruit basket and roses in his hands before looking at me once again.

"My name is Zach Herron, I'm your neighbor from across the street. I saw you guys move in so I thought I'd bring some things to welcome you guys and also because my mom said so"

He said with a smile. I was about to say something but Sophie beat me to it.

"Oh, who's this"

"I'm Zach your neighbor from across the street"

"Oh nice to meet you, come in, Katherine apparently forgot to invite you in"

He smiled before walking in. I closed the door and followed them to the living room.

"My mom told me to tell you guys welcome to the neighborhood she's at work so she couldn't come greet you personally"

"Oh it's okay thank you"

He handed her the basket.

"Have a seat I'll bring out some drinks"

Sophie turned to look at me.

"Why don't you make our guest feel welcomed"
She said before walking into the kitchen. I sat across from him.

"You haven't introduced yourself yet"
He said as he looked at me.

"I'm Katherine Dean"

"Katherine...nice name it fits you"


He kept his gaze on me. I looked away not wanting to make things awkward. Sophie walked back in.

"I hope you like lemonade"

Zach smiled and nodded his head.
"Thank you"

She handed him his drink before handing me mine and taking her's. I sipped a bit of my drink before putting it on the coffee table.

"Where did you guys move from"


"New start"
He said as he looked at us.

"Something like that"
I said as I looked at him. Zach had this aurora with him. A cold yet gentle type.

"I'm guessing you two might be the same age"
Sophie said as she looked at us.

"How old are you"
Zach said looking at me.


"Oh really, we're the same age, are you going to attend regular school or online"

"Regular, Mythical High school the private one"

He said with a surprised tone in his voice.

"Is that where you go to Zach"
Sophie said.


So I guess we're both seniors. He looked at me for a bit before getting up.

"I'd love to stay and keep talking but I have some errands to run for my mom"

Sophie got up as well.

"Thank you for coming Zach, please tell your mom thank you and that well visit her when we get the chance"

"I'll make sure to tell her"

"Katherine why don't you tag along with Zach and say goodbye"

Tag along? I faked a smile on my face before getting up. I walked with Zach to the front door. He got out and turned to look at me.

"Nice meeting you Katherine, I hope we can be close friends"

He winked at me before walking away. He turned to wave at me before crossing the road. I looked at him one last time before walking back inside. I walked back into the kitchen.

"Tag along? Really Sophie"

"What you need to make friends"

"Whatever, is it just me or did he seem a bit weird"

"Just you Katherine, come on help me make dinner"


I looked at the roses he had given us. Red, a dark yet beautiful color.


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