~Chapter 30~

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            -KATHERINE'S P.O.V.-

A month has passed since I left Crescent. Gabbie was able to establish spell so Jonah and the rest wouldn't track me down. So far being with them has been good. Gabbie has been showing me how to control my powers and how to establish the spells. As for Xavier he's been training me how to properly protect myself. I'm not going to lie and say I don't miss Jonah and the rest because I do, but I also know that what I'm doing is best for me.

"Hey sleepy head what are you thinking of now" I looked up and saw Xavier walking to me.

"Nothing just admiring the view" He sat next to me as we looked out the window.

"You've been distracted lately haven't you?"

"Yeah, I've just been thinking a lot I guess"

"About what? You know you can tell me right"

"I've been thinking about my friends and the way I left. I hurt them when all they wanted to do was help"

"If they really wanted to help you then they would have protected your sister"

Xavier was right, if they knew what I was and what was after me then they should have protected us better, if they had done so then Sophie would have still been alive.

"You're right, thank you"

"No problem, is Gabbie going to teach you today"

"No, she said she wasn't feeling good"

"Why don't we go for a walk"


We got up and heade out to the back. What I like about Xavier's home was the forest was his back yard. it reminded me of Crescent somehow making me feel welcomed. We walked out until we reached a waterfall.

"Xavier, you've never told me you story"

"What do you want to know"

"Anything I guess"

"Well I was born as a Hybrid naturally, my mom was a werewolf and my dad a Vampire. My parents never cared about me because they were always bus ding there own thing, so I practically raised myself. My mother passed away and I was left with my father, things were goin okay until one day he just disappeared"

"Do you know what happened to him"

"Yes, I found out a couple years ago that he was killed"

"Do you know who it was"

"Yes, but I'd rather have them suffer their own way"

"What do you mean"

"The person that did it is dead as well, and now their family is suffering because of what they did to my father"

It somehow sounded rude, but he was right, those that did damage to ones family should suffer for the crimes they did.

                -XAVIER'S P.O.V.-

I watched her go up the stairs to her room. I walked down to the basement where the cells were.

"Let me out of here you bastard"

"Gabbie, I don't think that is the way to speak to the person that has fed you and given you a place to live don't you"

"You lied to me"

"No, I simply told you what to do, you did them on your own"

"Xavier please don't do this, it won't change anything"

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