~ Chapter 50~ Extra ~

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                   -KATHERINE'S P.O.V.-

I looked out the balcony enjoying the ocean breeze as I listened to the waves hit the rocks. The beach always helped me calm down, making me feel protected. I smiled as I felt his arms wrap around me.

"I was wondering where you went" I turned around looking at him.

"I needed some air" I said looking down at my belly.

"And how's my little one doing?" He placed his hand on my belly smiling at me.

"She's growing fast, and wants to come out already" I said looking at him.

"And you're scared?"

"More like frightened, worried, anxious, every feeling"

"Don't be, I'll be by your side the whole time"

"I know you will, but these dreams Jonah, I keep getting these dreams and it makes me worried"

These last couple of weeks of my pregnancy I've been getting these weird dreams. I keep seeing dead bodies everywhere, in the middle of them is a girl with blood all over her, I can't see her face but she has something, a necklace. I keep getting short dreams of another witch trying to save a girl. A hybrid lashing out towards a girl. Then the latest dream, me holding my babygirl, what if these dreams are all connected to her.

"Have you talked to Gabbie about them?" I looked at Jonah.

"No, what if I'm just overwhelmed by everything?"

"Possibly, but it would be a good idea to talk to her and see if she knows something or go back to the ancestors house to see if we can find anything"

"We decided to take his trip to get away from everything so let's enjoy it"

He nodded before placing a soft kiss. I hugged him feeling his warmth on me. Our baby girl means everything to us, if something were to groom to her I would know what to do.

                            ~2 weeks later~

"Nothing in here" Gabbie said placing the book back in the shelf.

"Maybe they're just dreams" I said looking at her.

"Possibly, but you're the only ancestor alive, these can be more than dreams, maybe a flash from the future?"

"Is that possible? Seeing the future?" I looked at Maggie as she placed the cookies on the table.

"According to our elders yes, long before we had wars between each other the ancestors would predict the future seeing flashes on who would be the next warriors" Christina said looking at us.

"Even so, I don't think you should put much thought in it, it isn't healthy for you or the baby" Kay said smiling at me.

"I know, but what if it's somehow connected to my baby, what if she's in danger what if..."

I looked at the window which was in front of me, someone was coming and fast. Kay could hear them as well, she stood up as Christina stood in front of me.

"Someone is coming?"

"It could be the guys" Maggie said standing next to me.

"No, it's not them, I can feel the persons strong energy" It's a witch.

The lights around us began to flicker before turning completely off, the person was inside. The lights turned back on. The girls were thrown against the wall before the person stood in front of me. It was girl, she was wearing tight black jeans with a black hoodie over her head and a cap. She took off the hoodie before removing the cap.

"Who are you?" I asked placing my hand in front of me protecting myself and my baby.

"I'm not going to hurt you, it's them I don't trust" She looked at the girls who were unconscious.

"Don't worry they'll wake up, I came for you" She said looking at me.

"You won't take her!" I turned back seeing the guys behind me.

I was about say something when a sudden pain rushed throughout my body. She held my hand helping me stable myself.

"Your baby it's coming"

"Jonah!" Jonah rushed to my side holding my hand.

"We have to take her to Karen!" It was Daniel.

"It's okay I'm right here Katherine" Jonah grabbed myself hand tight. I closed my eyes from the pain before opening them, we were at Karen's home, the only doctor we could trust.

"The baby she's coming!"

"Place her on the bed!"

I layed on the bed as the pain increased minute by minute driving me crazy. I looked at the girl she was still here.

"Katherine you need to hear it, the prophesy, your baby's prophesy" She walked closer to me but stopped when Jonah stood in front of her.

"I won't hurt her" Jonah looked at me. I grabbed her hand closing my eyes.

"Born from Love, born from pain. The only living god who nurtured this young one. Beautiful as the cherry blossoms, deadly as venom. The child of a greater god will be the end of his kind, him who's blood carries venom, him who's creator ended his people. One from a venom and one from the heart, his who's heart pumps for her will fight for her as the one who's dark aurora spreads through out his life. Both men will compete for her heart, she will unite both kinds but at a deadly cost"

I opened my eyes looking at her, that's it the missing piece, those dreams, they weren't just dreams they were my girls life. I screamed feeling the pain.

"Everyone get out leave me with Jonah and Gabbie!" Karen screamed looking at everyone.

"Kay! Make sure she doesn't leave your side!" I pointed at the young witch. Everyone left along with the girl.

"Katherine honey stay with me!"

"Karen she's coming!!" I screamed holding Jonah hand.

"Katherine babe it's okay" I could tell Jonah was worried.

"Katherine push!" It was Gabbie.

I felt myself pushing as much as I could feeling the pain. I can't do this, the lights began to flicker as the sound of my screams were heard throughout the house.

"Katherine my dear daughter I'm here"
"Kathy you can do it we're right here"
It was my mom and sister, they were here with me.

"Katherine push! She's also my here!"

I felt my moms touch on my stomach as well as Sophie's before pushing one last time. I breathed out before hearing her cries, my baby's girl.

"She's beautiful Katherine"
"My beautiful girls, take care my baby"
I watched as they disappeared. I looked at Jonah he was holding her.

"She looks beautiful" I smiled at him as he placed her in my arms.

"I promise to protect you no matter what cost it may be my beautiful angel" I kissed her forehead feeling my tears run down my cheeks.

"Do you know what you're going to name her?" Gabbie asked looking at me and Jonah.

"Aurora Marais Dean"

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