~Chapter 21~

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It was Monday already and everyone seemed to disappear. Zach and Kay weren't here in the morning. Christina, Corbyn, and Daniel also weren't here which I found suspicious. I was walking to my locker when I saw Jack coming out of the office, but he didn't bother to look at me or say hi. I tried looking for Jonah, but couldn't find him. I tried to recall if something had happened last night at the barbeque, but I don't remember anything that would have caused them not to come to school. I was walking back home when I noticed someone following me. I turned around to see Jospeh smiling at me.

"Are you following me?"

"What me? No, I'm going the same way"

"Is that so? Well bye I remembered I left my book at school so I'll see you tomorrow" I began walking the opposite.

"Katherine wait I'll go with you"

I turned and smiled at him, "So you were following me"

"Okay you win, I was just making sure you got home safe. I saw how the rest didn't come today and found it weird since you usually walk with Zach or Kay"

"Yeah, they must have all ditched together"

"Without you?" he asked looking at me confused.


"Come on I'll walk you home"

"What about you"

"It's okay, but you shouldn't be out late by yourself"

We began walking to my place. We mostly talked about school and the upcoming events. We began approaching my house when I saw Daniel's car parked in Zach's driveway.

"Isn't that Daniel's car?"

"Yeah" I said feeling a bit sad. Are they hiding something from me?

I turned to face Jospeh once we reached my house.

"Thank you for walking me home"

"Anytime, I'll see you tomorrow at school"

"Okay, text me when you get home"

I waved bye to him as he walked away. I looked back at Zach's house debating whether I should go and see if everythings okay, but they would have told me if something was wrong, well at least I hope so. I unlocked my door and walked in to see a suitcase by the living room. I closed the door and walked to the living room. Sophie was sitting down, she stood up once she saw me.

"Katherine, you're finally here"

"Hey, is everything okay? Why is your suitcase here?"

"Anthony's mom called me, she told me Anthony hasn't been home for a couple of days. I think I should go back to Utah and see if he's okay" I could tell she was worried about him.

"Okay, let me pack my bags and we'll go"

"No, you have school and I can't let you miss days. He's probably with his cousins, but I just want to make sure. I'll be back in a week, is that okay"

"Yeah of course"

"Sorry for not giving you a heads up. I have to go but I left you some extra cash for food, but I already stocked the fridge. If you need anything call me. I'll call Nana and tell her to come by and check on you" she pulled me in for a hug before grabbing her things and headed to the door.

"Okay, don't worry about me and call me when you find out something about him"

"Okay, love you bye"

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