~Chapter 14~

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I looked across the gym trying to find Katherine but she was no where to be seen.

"She probably went to the restroom"
Kay said looking at me.

We were all told to come to the gym before going to lunch. I'm guessing it was beacuse of Baylee's death. Everyone was talking about it. No one knows who did it except for us. I caught Katherine's scent with someone else's. She was with Joseph, the football player. They walked to the bleachers on the other side and sat down together.

"Since when do those two get along?"
Kay asked.

"I was about to ask you the same question"
I said looking at Katherine who was smiling at Joseph.

The gym got quiet once the principle stepped in, Baylee's dad. Everyone turned their attention towards him.

"Good morning everyone...today...today is a hard day for everyone...this past weekend we lost someone...Someone who was an amazing person but also an amazing daughter...Baylee wasn't like any other person, she was special...please join me in remembering Baylee...the person behind this incident hasn't been caught which is why I advice all of you guys to be safe...who ever did this will pay"

I looked at Daniel who was across the gym looking at me.

"Thank you all for your time, you may be excused"
He walked out with the rest of the teachers. I got up and made my way towards Joseph and Katherine who were barely walking down the stairs.

"Katherine are you ready to go to lunch"
I said smiling at them.

"Actually we were going to have lunch together"
Joseph responded back.

We both looked at each other. Clearly neither of us liked each other. No one is safe around here and I couldn't leave Katherine with him.

"Why don't the four of us have lunch together?"
I turned towards Kay who was smiling at us.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea"
Katherine said looking at us.

I said before walking away.

We walked out the gym and to the cafeteria. Joseph sat down next to Katherine while I sat across them with Kay. It's not that I'm jealous towards them it's just that I don't like him with her, almost like a brotherly protection.

"Katherine should we get our lunch"

"Sure, we'll be back"

Her and Joseph got up and walked away.

"Why is he with her?"

"Maybe he likes her Zach"
Kay murmured.

"Well I don't like him"

"Well it is her choice not yours"

"But she is our friend"

I kept my eyes on them as they grabbed something to eat. Daniel, Corbyn and Christina walked to our table and stood in front of us.

"What now Seavey"
I said frustrated.

"After tonight's service, meet us at our place, we have information regarding you know who"
Daniel whispered towards me.

"Got it, we'll be there"
Kay whispered back.

They were about to leave but turned to look behind them. Someone was arguing. I got up and looked at where everyone was facing. Joseph and Jonah had each other's uniform collar in their fists. Katherine was looking at both of them. Jack was leaning against the trashcan just looking at them as if nothing was happening.

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