~Chapter 23~

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It was Friday already and none of us have decided when we should bring Katherine to Daniel's pack house, I don't agree with what we are going to do, but we don't have another choice, for now.

"Babe" I looked at Kay, she was standing in front of me.


"I was asking you if you've seen Katherine, I tried looking for her but I can't find her"


I stood up and walked to Daniel's table.

"Have you seen Katherine?"

"No, why is everything okay?"

"I don't know" I said looking around for Jonah and Jack, they were barely walking into the cafeteria. I walked up to them.

"Have you seen Katherine?"


"Damn it"

I walked out of the cafeteria and tried to look for her in the hallway.

"Is she there?" Jonah asked walking behind me.


"You don't think something bad happened to her do you?" Kay asked walking by my side.

"I hope not"


Nothing bad could happen to Katherine, if something happens to her I don't know what I would do. I walked away from the group and walked outside to the hallways, she has to be here, she would have told one of us if she was leaving. I walked out to the gym and saw her, she was with Joseph, they were hanging a poster on the gym wall.

"Katherine!" I called out for her.

She turned to see me, she was smiling, once she realized it was me her smile faded away. I walked up to them keeping my eyes on Katherine.

"Jonah what are you doing here?" she asked looking at me.

"I could ask you the same thing" I asked her.

"Relax, we were just hanging up some poster's for tonight's football game"

"I wasn't talking to you was I" I said looking at Joseph.


This wasn't good, I could feel Jonah getting angry.

"Jospeh that was the last one right?" I said hoping he would ignore Jonah.

"Yeah, thank you"

"No problem"

I stood there thinking of what to say when Jonah grabbed my hand pulling me away from Joseph. I looked at Jospeh as he tried to reach for my arm, but Jonah pushed me behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Joseph asked Jonah.

"Getting what's mine" Jonah responded.

"What's yours? I think we should let Katherine decide on that don't you"

Both of them turned to look at me, why me? I tried to say something but felt my throat go dry. They were just looking at me waiting for an answer.

"Katherine" I turned to see Zach and Daniel walking to me. They looked down at my hand which was currently being held by Jonah.

"What's going on here?" Daniel asked confused.

"Tell your friend here who think's he own's Katherine"

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