~Chapter 4~

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I pulled up to the school parking lot and parked my car. I got my backpack and walked out of the car and made my way inside school. Kay was already waiting for me at the front entrance. Katherine wasn't with her.

"Where's Katherine?"

"I left her to get her classes at the office"

"Seriously? Come on lets go find her"

"Why do you care about her so much"

It's the same question I asked myself this morning as well. I began walking to the office but stopped once I saw her. She was in his arms. Jonah Marais arms. He had his hands wrapped around her waist. She had her hands in his chest. Everyone around them just looked at them.


He was able to pull me before I landed on the ground. His eyes. They were captivating. I felt his eyes on me. It was as if he had me under his control. He stepped away once he saw how close we were. I stepped back as well and looked at the ground.

"Next time watch where you are going before you bump into people"

His voice was cold. He passed me and kept walking. I looked at the people around they were looking at me. I saw Zach and Kay approach me.

"Looks like you met Jonah"
Zach said.

"I accidentally bumped into him"

"Be careful around him"
Kay said.

I said questionably.

"It's nothing just ignore her"
Zach said eyeing Kay.

"You two know each other"
I said as I looked at them.

"Me and Zach have known each other since the beginning of high school"

The bell rang. Everyone began making there way to there classrooms.

"Want me to help you find your first class"
Zach said while looking at the papers in my hand.

"No it's okay, thank you though"

I waved bye to them as I made my way to the library. I looked at the map behind my class schedule. I was able to find the library and make it on time to my first class. It was quiet in here as I made my way inside.

"Hello, you must be my new helper"
An old man said as he stood up from the chair behind the front desk.

"Yes, I'm Katherine Dean, nice to meet you"

"Dean? It sounds familiar"
He said looking at me.

"My mom use to live here when she was younger"

"Must be that, well welcome. I heard you're new around here"

"Yes I am"

"Nice to meet you I'm Mr.Porter"

"Nice to meet you"

"Here you can set your things back here in the desk. I'll tell you what to do in a second we just need to wait for..."

"Mr.Porter, sorry I'm late. I woke up late"

I looked over at the library entrance as a blonde hair guy walked in. He was fixing his tie as he walked over to us. He looked up at us once he finished. His green eyes landed on me. Then back to Mr.Porter.

"Why am I not surprised you're late"

The blonde hair guy said. His eyes went back to me.

"Well since you're here let me introduce you guys. Katherine meet Corbyn Besson. Corbyn meet Katherine Dean. Both of you will be helping me out in the library for your first two periods"

He walked closer to me and extended his hand out. I reached out and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Katherine"

"Same here"
I said with a smile.

He smiled back. His smile was really nice and attractive. Is this whole school filled with attractive guys. I let go of his hand and looked at Mr.Porter.

"Okay well you guys can set your things back here on the desk. You can get started by organizing the books on the cart"

I nodded my head and made my way over to the back desk behind his desk. I placed my back pack down and walked over to one of the carts filled with books.

"Corbyn can you show Katherine how the books are arranged"

"Sure thing"

"Thank you"

Mr.Porter sat back down on his chair and began looking at the screen on his computer. Corbyn walked over to me. He took one of the books from the cart and looked at me.

"You see this ID. Well the books go by Authors last name so since this is an LF34 then the book would be placed on the L section in Fiction, row three section four"

I nodded. I grabbed a book and looked a the ID. I walked over to the correct section and placed it on the shelf. After awhile I got the hang of it. I was looking at the books when Corbyn walked over to me.

"You're new right?"


"Where are you from"


"Cool. What made you move here to this old little town"

"I guess you can say family in a way"

I said as I looked at him. He nodded as he leaned against the shelf.

"What grade are you in"


"Oh really me too"

"Do you have any friends here"

"Not really but I met a couple people already"
I said as I fixed the books on the shelf.

"Well if you ever need anything you can count on me"

"Thank you"

We continued arranging the books and fixing the computers in the library. After class we had break. I made my way to my locker to try to open it.


Dean. I know I've heard that name before but I'm not sure where. I saw as she made her way out of the library and into the hallway of people. I followed her. She walked over to the lockers next to the science classrooms. One of them must be her's.

"Who you checking out now"

I recognized his voice right away. Daniel Seavey my best friend.

"I'm not checking out no one I'm just looking at them"

"Who's the new girl"

"Not sure, her name is Katherine Dean. Does it sound familiar"
I said to him.

"Nope never heard it. Looks like she's with them"

I saw as Zach and Kay made there way to her. She smiled at them. Could she be one of them. I would have known if she would be one of them. She would have known who I was. She doesn't seem like them. Her aurora is different from them. It's calm, peaceful, unknown. Could she be a...Vampire as well.


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