~Chapter 18~

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I looked out the window as snow covered the area. More snow was beginning to fall as we drove to Joseph's cabin. So far the drive was quiet which I didn't seem to mind. Jospeh slowed down as we began to approach his cabin. The area was covered with trees and snow. I saw his cabin as we began to drive closer. It was beautiful especially with the snow in the roof.

"Okay, here we are"

We got off with our things and walked inside. The interior was beautiful, the walls were made of a wooden material, everything in here made you feel welcomed. Everyone else walked in.

"There are six room which means we'll have to pair up" Joseph said looking at us.

Everyone ended up pairing up with each other except Zach, he had a room to himself. Joseph and Mark paired up, Daniel and Corbyn, Andrea and Christina, and me and Kay. I walked in the room, there was only one bed, big enough for both of us.

"Hey Kay, if you don't mind me asking what's up with you and Zach?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it" she said in a calm yet angry voice.

I placed my bag on the bed and walked over to the balcony opening the door and stepping out, the cold breeze made me shiver. It was nice being here, but my mind kept going back to Jonah and why he wasn't at school this week. I snapped out of my thought as Kay called my name.

"They're calling us for breakfast, let's go"

I nodded my head and walked downstairs with her. Mark, Daniel and Corbyn were in the living room watching football. Christina, Andrea and Joseph were in the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen.

"Where's Zach?" I asked looking around for him.

"He said he went to go take a walk around"

"I'll be back, I forgot my phone upstairs" Kay said walking back upstairs.

"Do you guys need help with breakfast?"

"Actually yeah, can you help Mr.Butter hands there and help cut the apples"

I walked over to Jospeh who was cutting the apples.

"Need a hand" I asked looking at him.

"Yes please"

I grabbed a knife and helped him cut the apples and the rest of the fruit. Christina and Andrea walked out to the living room waiting for the food to be ready, leaving me and Joseph by ourselves.

"Katherine" I looked at him,


"Listen, I don't want me and you to be awkward with each other because of what happened earlier, I want it to go back as we were, comfortable"

"Who said anything about being awkward with each other?" I said smiling at him, he smiled back.

"So how do you like it so far, we should take a walk around the cabin later, if you're okay with that"

"Yeah, I'd love that"

I smiled at him while cutting the rest of the apples, the knife slipped form my hand causing me to cut myself.


"Katherine, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a small cut"

"Let me see"

He grabbed my hand and covered the cut with a napkin.

"Let me get you a bandaid"

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