~Chapter 45~Special Chapter~

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*This Chapter Takes Place In The Late 1600's and Early 1700's*



"Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to get away from his grip but he was strong, too strong.

"Please Stop!"

"Shut it already!" He slapped me across the face as I felt the burning sensation on my right cheek.

"Hey! What's going on back there!"

"Help help me-"

He covered my mouth preventing me from screaming. I kicked him but it didn't affect him in any way. I bit his hand making him hiss from the pain. I gathered the rest of my energy and pushed him off of me as I ran down the alley in the darkness. I looked back seeing him running after me. My feet hit the cold ground as I looked around finding for a way to hide.

"You're dead!" He screamed getting closer.

I looked at the dark forest. I can't go in there, too many accidents have happened in this forest, but I can't stay here, I'll be dead. I ran into the forest not looking back. The cold dirt hit my bare feet as I ran deeper and deeper in the forest. I looked back but didn't see him. I stopped and looked around. Trees covered the area. Where am I going to go? I heard a tree branch snap before someone attacked me dropping me on the floor.

"Did you think you would get away from me?!"

"No please! No!"

"I'll show you not to disrespect me!" His hands tore my dress. I covered myself closing my eyes hoping this was a nightmare.

His hands stopped, they weren't on me no more. I opened my eyes slowly seeing him on his feet. I backed away when he wasn't touching the ground, he was hovering. His hands were on his neck. His body began to shake dramatically before he fell on the ground. I screamed backing away as my back hit a tree. I looked carefully in front of me seeing a figure.

"Pl-Please don't hurt me"

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you" It was a guys voice, he sounded young.

I watched as his figure came closer to me. Before I knew it he was kneeling in front of me. He had long black hair with green eyes, looking magical.

"Are you okay?"


"Come on, you're safe now"

*One-Thousand Years Later*

I watched as the drops of water fell from the ceiling, it must be raining. I got up walking towards the window as the raindrops covered it. It's been a long time since I've felt the rain. I turned around hearing footsteps approaching.

"Young girl, the master wants to see you"


"You can't decide, come on"

She grabbed me pulling me out of the cell. I looked around seeing more cells. I covered my eyes as we made our way to the top floor. The light hurt my eyes as we walked to a room.

"Ah there she is!"

I blinked a couple of times before my eye sight could adjust, it was him, green eyes. He looked different as he walked towards me.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you"

He smirked before extending his hand out making me scream from pain. I fell on my knees before looking up at the ceiling.

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