~Chapter 12~

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The brownness in her eyes sparkled from the moonlight. I looked down at her lips. My hand was reaching to her head, but I stopped my self.

"You enjoying being like this aren't you"
I said to her.

She got up and brushed the dirt off her clothes.

"Can we get going"
She said looking at her phone.

"I wasn't the one who fell"

She looked away and continued walking. I smiled upon seeing her mad. I grabbed her hand and continued walking to my car.

"Let go Jonah"

"No, or else you're going to fall again and we'll end up in the same position and we might do something we'll regret later"
I said still holding her hand and walking. She tried pulling away but my grib was to tight.

She gave up and relaxed. We walked for a bit more until we finally reached my car.

"Let's go"
I said, letting go of her hand and getting inside.

She opened the door and got inside.
I turned on the car and drove back to my place. Hopefully Jack wasn't there or else things would get complicated.

"By the way, you never told me what you were doing back there"
Katherine said looking at me. I glanced at her quickly before returning my attention to the road.

"Same thing as you I thought I'd have a chance in finding something regarding the killer"

"What was Jack doing there? Are you sure he's okay"

"We went together. He's fine, he probably hit his foot or hand and was in pain"

She nodded and continued looking out the window. I looked at her. What was so special about her that Zach and Kay cared so much about. Was it possible she knew who they actually are?

We were close to my place when her phone began to ring. She looked at it before picking up.


Good thing, I could hear who she was talking to.

"Where are you!"
It was her sister.

"I wanted to go out for a walk"

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't want to disturb you"

"Hurry up and come back!"

"Okay, I'll be back in a bit. I'm with a friend"

"Friend? Who?"

"Umm Jonah, the one you met at the hospital"

She looked at me. Friend? So now we're friends.

"Well, just be okay. You better be home by 11"

"Okay, bye"

She hung up and looked at me.

"Okay friend we're here"
I said parking the car.

"I only said that because I couldn't think of anything else, don't get to happy"
She murmured to me.

"Come on let's go"

I looked around. There was no sight of Jack. He must have gone deeper in the woods to get away from the smell of Kstherine's blood. Katherine got out and looked around her. I walked to the front of the door and opened it. She was just standing there looking at me.

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