Chapter 33❤

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(Anna's P.O.V)

I was at the B&B.. watching a bit of tv. My best friend was going through hell at the moment. It was like Ross had just destroyed her. He did not care about his own son. Seeing my phone light up, I smiled. I was seeing someone. His name was Billy. I had met him on a night out. He seemed nice.

Keep thinking about the other night.😉

I sat up.. thinking if I should reply to him straight away or not. I decided not to reply straight away. Going downstairs, Eric saw me. "Hi Anna. You've been here a while. Wouldn't you like to rent somewhere or see where you can stay?" I made myself a drink. "Maybe. Did you need any help with extra jobs?" He said no. "Thankyou though. You're really kind." I went back into my room.. seeing a missed call. From Verity. I rang it back straight away.. "Hiya Anna. Don't worry. I'm fine." I breathed.. "I thought something was wrong hun. How are you feeling?"

Sitting down on the bed, hearing my bestie cry, it really hurt me. "I feel like I'm in the withdrawal stage Anna. Seeing Tobias made me see that I have to become better, put myself first... I have to have a fresh start."

All I wanted to do was tell her that everything was going to be ok. "Things will get better V. How is Matty doing?" She went quiet. "He's just really caring. He sat with me for quite a while.. holding my hand. Comforting me." Anna cooed. "I'm seeing someone.." I felt happy for her. "Awh. What's he's like?" I thought about his text. "I may meet him at the Woolpack. I'll let you rest. I'll visit later." She thanked me. "For what?" She sat up a bit.. 'For just being such a fab friend. And for also being a great godmother."

I said bye to her.. popping out. Seeing Ross, I thought about the incident.. with Social Services. He saw me, smiling.. I continued to walk. Going into the pub, I saw a lady with brown hair. 'Hi. Would you like a drink?" I said yes. "One orange juice please." I saw my phone ring. "Hey.." I blushed.. she handed me the drink. "Yes. I'm in the pub. Did you wanna meet me?" He said yes. "I'll wait for you then."

Sitting down, I felt really nervous. Obviously liking Will was way more complicated as we were best friends. I do miss him, but he left. 'Hi.' His hand touched the chair. I was on a date with Billy Fletcher. 'Thanks for the drink.' He sat down.. opposite me. Feeling my fingers gravitate to my hair.. the beginning of the nerves. 'So, I'm happy that you came.' I sipped my drink.. trying not to guzzle it down. 'Me too. I heard about your friend.' I smiled.. I love a guy who cares. 'Yes.. she's ok, not the best, but she's getting there.' He went on to talk about he's rebuilding his life after being inside..

'My brother was not best pleased when I got released, but Mum and Marlon have been supportive.' I loved his eyes.. his lips looked so kissable. 'That is so nice to know.' He asked if I wanted another drink. 'Yes please.' After many drinks, he decided to take me for a walk.. 'Yeah, so Tobias is my godson. He's gorgeous. He smiles all the time.' Billy stopped walking.. looking at me. 'You already make me feel like I could build something with you.' I then blushed!

'Your outfit is niccee..' I liked him. I was wearing a leopard print shirt with some printed leggings. We went for a walk, standing outside a house. 'This where I live.' He opened the door. 'Ladies first.' He asked if I wanted anything to eat. 'No thanks.' He made himself another drink. 'My mum is working late at the school.' I sat... wondering whether or not to tell him about Will. I wanted to be able to open up to Billy, I just didn't know how to. 'I'm really nervous. The thing is, I like you Billy.' He edged towards me.. looking into my eyes. 'Being with you tonight felt really good. You're so stunning.' His hand stroked mine.. I saw a text from Verity.. 'I have to go.' I stood up. 'I will text you.' He opened the front door. 'I can see that you're nervous.. just text me when you're ready.' I left, going back to the B&B.. feeling so stupid. I texted V...

I ran out of his house! My stupid nerves came up. I like him V. I just don't want to mess it up. I liked Will and he left. I just do not want to make the effort, and feel like I'm being taken advantage of. x.

I went to go and shower.. feeling all dumb. Thinking about how great he is. After showering, I did my regular skincare routine. It made me feel better.. going downstairs to make a hot drink, I saw Eric outside, sat on the bench. I placed my shoes on, going to see if he was alright. Turning around, he smiled at me. 'Ah, I didn't know that you came back.' I sat down beside him.

'I did not want to disturb you.' Sipping his coffee, he coughed. 'You wouldn't of. I like it when people are around. It makes me feel less lonely.' I felt really bad for him.

'I just think that if things were different, Val would of still been here.' I heard about Val.. he must of really loved her. 'I needed your advice.' Eric smiled. 'Anything.' I then explained the situation. He just listened.. 'I cannot seem to get over liking Will. He did like me.' Eric then said.. 'If he liked you enough, he would of stayed. Is this new guy someone I know?' I sipped my drink. 'Sort of. I had better go back in. Thanks.'

When I went back upstairs, I saw that my best friend had replied. Billy had also texted as well.


Will was our best friend. I can tell that you like this guy. Will may have left, but you deserve to be happy. Or just have some light fun. Please do not overthink. Just take it slow. x

I smiled at Billy's text..

I could tell that you was nervous. I like you so I'll give you time. Kinda missing your company already. xx

He missed me?! That gave me a boost. I jumped into bed, going to sleep with a smile on my face.

Things were going my way.

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