Chapter 8❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)
Dad drove quite slowly to the hospital. He just looked like something was on his mind.. "Would you and Ross like a girl or a boy?" I didn't even think about that. "Any really." I smiled as I looked at the view. Ross texted back. Looking at my phone, butterflies filled my stomach..

On my way. I've missed you. Xxx Dad parked up, opening the door. "Thankyou." We went upstairs and I booked myself in. Sitting down next to Dad. He looked so nervous. "I would like to be a part of my grandchild's life." I tilted my head to the side.. 'I know you do. It's going to be really hard for me to be able to trust you." He heard my name being called. "You go. I'll wait for Ross to arrive." I walked ahead with the nurse.

As she asked me questions, I felt sick. "Are you alright Miss Foster?" I sat up quickly as she got a sick bowl. I just threw up. "Must just be what I've been eating." I heard a light knock on the door. "Come in." It was Dad with Ross. "Hiya." He sat beside me as Dad sat nearer the monitor. "Let's see what your little baby is doing." Ross looked so happy. I let him hold my hand. "Aw babe! There's the head, look at the feet." I felt myself cry.. "Aw Dad.." He moved closer.. "This baby will be beautiful." Dad saw Ross just staring. "You're about 6/7 weeks now. Are you experiencing anything strange?" The nurse looked at me.. Ross tried not to laugh."Kind of.. I have a craving for strawberry ice cream." Dad laughed along with Ross.

"I remember you liking strawberry ice cream when you were younger." I remember that. " Here is your scan picture.' I thanked the nurse as I sat up, Dad helped me with my outfit. "You will need to come back in about 7 weeks.. just to check how you're doing." Your baby is perfectly healthy though." Ross took my hand.. kissing me. Placing his hand on my stomach.

Dad followed us back into reception, taking a look at the scan picture. "Ah.. my small little grandchild." I leaned into him. He offered to drive us back. "That's alright Dad. We can always meet up again soon.' He said to Ross to make sure that he looks after me. "Call me anytime. I'm only a house away." I hugged him. "I'll probably call you later. After so much giggling, I felt a kick... "Dad! Feel..." His hand was placed on my stomach. "Let's hope it's a he. Or a she.." I kissed his cheek. "See you later."

Once we got back to the house, I called Anna. "Hello stranger!" I laughed. "Hi." Ross started to get things out to make something to eat. I started to tell Anna what was going on. "Woah.. V? Really? Eeek!!!" She already sounded excited. "I'm really scared. Ross has been looking after me. We are starting again." She asked about baby names, clothing... "I get to become an Auntie. How fun!" She squealed over the phone. Ross metioned that dinner was ready. "Is it alright for me text you later Anna?" She said yes. "Of course. Go and enjoy your dinner with your Loverboy. I'll think about visiting you too. See ya! Love you!" I said I loved her too.

"Mmmm! This is so delicious." Ross had whipped up a chicken stir fry. "You never said that you were good at cooking.." He blushed as I said this. "Well.. I do have secret talents. It was really nice seeing your dad today. He seems really excited." I agreed. "He does. I have told him that I'm bulimic. I'm trying so hard to not push you, Moira or Dad away. I want this to work. I really do." Ross stopped eating, reaching for my hand across the table..

"When I saw you walk away from me, it made me see that I really do love you. I love this baby so much already. I love you Verity. I just want to be there for you." I cried at his sweet words. "You're so lovely. I love you too." We cleaned up the plates, he then kissed me. "Shall we go and have a bath, then snuggle?" He kissed my neck.. "Of course."

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