Chapter 18❤

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(Will's P.O.V)
I looked over at Anna. I hadn't seen her in 3 weeks. I'm not going to lie, she looked beautiful. "Hi." I didn't know what to say to her. She seemed really nervous. "It's nice to see you.' Anna tried to stop herself from blushing. "I'll leave you two to talk. Anna, I'll be at Ross's." I giggled. "Was that her subtle way of saying that we need to catch up?" She sat down on the bench as we looked out at the grassy area. "How are you?" I really liked her. "I'm good. How are you?"

I said I was ok. "Better for seeing you. How's your mum?" I said that she was coping. "I've come back to see if you would like to go on a date." I saw her reaction. 'Where at?" He said that he would text me. "Where are you staying?" We walked more along the village roads.. "I'm at a hotel in town. It's only for a couple of months." I knew that she was nervous. She was twiddling her thumbs. "Do you still have the same number?" I said yes.

(Anna's P.O.V)
He was making me nervous.. I saw a text from Verity. Looking at it, I bit my lip. The thing is, I did  really, really, like him. "I'll call you later." I made my way to Ross's house. Knocking on the door, he answered. "Hiya. V is upstairs, settling Tobias." I came in, took off my coat. "Did you want a drink?" I shook my head. "No thanks. How are you feeling?"

He looked sad.. "I have no idea. I've managed to book an appoiment to see a therapist. That may help. Seeing Tobias is helping.. me and V are just co- parenting for now." I agreed. "Seeing you two with Tobias is insansely cute. I just know that you're a good guy." We heard Verity coming downstairs. "It took me hours to settle him. He's starting to teethe.. what a nightmare." She went to get a drink as I checked my phone. "How did it go with Will?"

"You're seeing each other again?!" She got all giggly and excited. "Not excatly. I just wanna stay friends." She looked at me.. rasing her eyebrows. "Babe.. I'm going up to bed." Ross squeezed my hand, heading upstairs. "So, he asked me out on a date." She gasped.. looking very excited! "Check you out gal!" I blushed.. feeling butterflies in my stomach. "Where? When?" She was going way too far now.😂 "He said that he's staying at a hotel in town." She seemed impressed.. "Enough about me, how is it going with Ross?"

I said it was great. "Co-parenting is good. I'm still, like attracted to him, but I'm just trying to keep my feelings in check. It's really hard when he's topless in the shower, or checking on Tobias as he's sleeping. That makes my knees go weak!" Anna suggested maybe just talking to him. "Not about Tobias.. about you two." I heard him coming down. "I'll leave you to it. I'll also let you know about outfit options."

I hugged her, saying goodnight. "Keep me updated." I shut the front door. Feeling hungry, I made myself a sandwhich. Sitting down, I took out my phone. Seeing a picture of our boy on my phone made my heart melt so much. He's just gorgeous. I was also trying to manage my illness. Moira texted me along with Dad..

Me and Megan are going to have a good chat tomorrow. I just need to be there for her. How are you and Ross? Missing my little grandson. Xxx

Hiya! I've missed our chats. I hope everything's alright. I also hope Tobias is alright as well. Xxx

I finished eating, replied to the messages.. hearing crying again. "I've got it V!" Thank goodness for Ross. I put my plate in the sink. Heading upstairs, I heard Ross quietly talking to our little boy. "Hey you. Settle down.. daddy's here. You are just teething, that's all.." I stood near the door listening to him... comforting our boy.

"Hey you. I was just trying to calm him down." I stood there.. his eyes.😌 They sparkled so much. "He's gone off now.. this teething thing is a nightmare." Seeing him with Tobias made my heart swell. He was wearing no top... that made my insides go crazy. My eyes couldn't stop wandering.

"It's been lovely to spend more time with you two." I admitted that this is working. Kiss him. You're still crazy about him.. "I still completely adore you Ross. I've loved having friendly one on one time with you." He touched my shoulder.. making me blush. Badly.😍 "I've loved it as well. Just seeing him change has been amazing. I still love you too."

We stood on the landing for a bit.. just staring.. "Just kiss me babe. Please."

His lips touched mine. I felt like heaven. His hands then touched my stomach. He kissed my neck.. I felt myself let out a moan. "Just relax... I've got protection.."

He pleasured me all night. Was this the right thing to do?

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