Chapter 20❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)
I woke up with a stinking headache.. I should not of gone out last night. All I remember is vomiting.. I sat up in bed. Trying to think about what happened... I heard Tobias squirm. I went to go and pick him up. "Mummy!" I kissed his chubby cheeks. He sure was growing up fast. I made us some breakfast as he started telling me more about his play time with Dad. "We played with my blocks and then Granddad fell alseep as Auntie Megan walked in!"  He started laughing. "You're too cute baby boy." As I gave him some toast, Will texted.

Am I able to come over? We need to talk about last night.😊

As Tobias was munching on his toast, I wondered about what to text back. I nearly kissed my best friend. Then I had an argument with my other one.

I texted Anna. Just as Will replied..

Please talk to me. I'm really sorry for what I said. I also didn't mean to kiss Will. It was a mistake. I hate it when we fight. Please. x

I then rang Will. 'Hiya.' I cleaned up Tobias as I heard some shuffling in the background. 'Hi. I was going to call you. Did you wanna meet for a coffee?' I was hoping that we could talk. 'Yes. We do need to talk.' He sounded certain. 'We do.' I went upstairs, placing toys in front of my boy. 'Mummy!' I giggled at him. He's not asked about Ross at all. I hadn't texted him. I missed him.. but you know that feeling of when you don't want to see the person? That's how I felt. I put on my shirt with my jeggings. Neatening up my hair, I looked in the mirror. I had lost some weight. I hadn't been purging for a while. I sprayed some perfume on myself.. then figured out what outfit to put together for Tobias. I was thinking a little top with some trousers and his little sneakers.

"Mummy! Ahh!" I splashed water over him as he sat.. playing in the bath. "Where Daddy?" The dreaded question. "He's at home baby." I took him out of the bath, dried him. Starting to sort him out, my mind raced with thoughts of the other night. "I love you." I creamed my little boy's back. Hearing my phone ring, it was Anna. "Hi." My voice sounded so flat. "Look, I just rang to apologise. I just really like Will. I become nervous around him, barely speak a word. "It's ok hun. I didn't mean to go off on one. What are you up today?" I said that I was going to take Tobias to the cricket pavilion. "Ah. That sounds lovely. I was just going to look around the shops for a bit. I think I should leave Will for a bit." I agreed as I got the pushchair ready.

"I'm seeing him today as he wanted to talk." I headed out. Anna asked me if Ross had texted me. "Nope." Anna said that she was going to do some retail therapy. 'Have fun." I walked all the way down to the pavilion. "Hello you. You can run if you like." I unbuckled his strap, watching him run off.. I got a text. From Will.

Where are you?😊

I replied back to him as my boy laughed.

At the Cricket Pavilion.😊

'Mummy! I found a pebble." I walked over to my little munchkin. "Ah. How nice is this?" It was a coloured pebble. "How pretty is this?" He smiled as he stood near me. "Mummy! Look!' I saw Will walking down the grassy area. "Hi." We sat down on the bench. "About last night.." I felt so ashamed. "I didn't mean to kiss you. I just needed alcohol. It's difficult." Will looked on at him running around, very carefree. "Uncle Will!" He ran over to him.. seeing Will intreact with him made me happy. "You've grown." Will made funny faces at him, tickling him. Hearing him giggle made me happy.

He played with him. Seeing him chase after him.. Anna said that she would meet me here. She hadn't arrived yet. "Mummy!!!" I walked over to see that my best friend was hanging my little boy upside down. "Ahhhh! Rescue me mummy!" I tickled him.. laughing as he looked at Will. I then felt my eyes diverting to see Ross walking near the cafe. Will let go of Tobias. I ran over to him..

"Hi." I took deep breaths as he just kept his head down. "Ross. I know it's not been easy.. but Tobias has been asking about you." He then looked up. "Has he?" I felt my heart beat. Stood in front of him like this... I still had a deep love for him. 'Yes he has. I was giving him a bath last night. He asked where you were. I thought this co parenting routine would work." Ross took my hands.. feeling my forehead drip with sweat was so embarrassing!😩

"I would like it to work. V, that night when we kissed.. when you let me back in again, I felt the same love again for you. I know you're still struggling.." Now was my turn to cry. "I can't lie to you.. I am struggling, but I need you. I can't stand being on my own at night with our little boy." He held me. Not letting me go. "How can we make this work?" He let go eventually... "Let's go back to the beginning. Just co parent." He decided on it. "Ok. Meet me at the Woolpack tonight. 6pm." He ran off quickly. I blushed... I hope this would work.

Loving You Book 1 (Emmerdale)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz