Chapter 27❤

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(Ross's P.O.V)
The house felt so empty without Verity and Tobias. I had no belief anymore. I knew what Verity was up to. She was going to keep Tobias from me. We had so many ups and downs.. I loved her, but this destructive behaviour got the better of me all the time. I didn't mean to hurt Matty. Anger just raised inside of me. I couldn't see Tobias hurt because of me. I wanted to be with him every day. Not see him for so many hours.. Verity was not capable of looking after him on her own. I had to do something. I made a hot drink.. looking through contacts. I found the number for Soical Services. I wanted to see my son. I loved Verity. So much. 'Hi. I'd like to speak to someone about custody for my son.' Later on in the day, Pete came by the house. 'Where's Tobias?' I laughed.. 'With my ex. Did you know that Matty was in hospital?' Pete stood.. looking like he was going to rage at me. 'What did you do?' I now felt angry. ' He got in my way... So I attacked him.' I got a beer out of the fridge. Knocking it back. Pete looked me dead in the eye. 'He's our family Ross. Just because you're angry, doesn't mean that you have to hurt him.
I thought you changed. Verity put her problems to the side to CARE and look after that little boy. He needed a father. All he has is two uncles, an Auntie and a Granddad.' The door went..

'Hi. Yeah.. He's in here." Pete just stood still. 'You've really called social services? I'm going to go and find her.' The social worker sat down. 'All I want is to see my son. The mum is not even fit  for to look after him. She leaves him with her dad all the time. She's hardly there for him.' The social worker noted a lot of information down. I'll work on a case and then I'll be in touch."

Once she left, I showered, dressed and went out.

(Verity's P.O.V)
I was watching tv with Megan when Pete called. 'What?' I felt sick. How could he even stoop this low? 'Yeah. Thanks.' Megan saw the colour drain from my cheeks. 'I need to leave.' Megan asked what was wrong as I rushed about. "Ross has called social services on me! He's told them about me not being a good mother. He's the one who's been crap!' I felt like I just wanted to eat, throw up..' Megan held my hands.. 'Running away is not the best thing.'

Your dad is in the kitchen. Let me talk to him.' I rang my best friend. I just felt so rubbish. "Hiya. Hey, hey, are you ok?' I explained.. "How can he tell that social worker lies?' I explained that I just wanted to relapse..  'He won't do anything. You've done nothing but be strong for Tobias. I'll call Moira if you like?' I just wanted to wake my boy up, pack up and leave. I heard Dad shouting. "How can he do this? He doesn't understand that my daughter has an illness that she's trying to control.' I heard the kitchen door swing open. 'Dad. I'm leaving. Don't even try to convince me to stay.'

I went to go and wake up my little boy.. "Mummy. Why you crying?" I couldn't stop.  "Mummy is just happy." He put his coat on, putting his backpack on his back. He saw Dad downstairs. "Hi monkey." He picked him up, seeing me all upset. "Please don't leave. Where will you even go?"

I didn't even know. "Granddad?" Dad spun him round. The door knocked. "Can I go out the back please?" Dad walked me to the back door. As I got my car keys out of my pocket, I saw Moira. She raised her eyebrows, mouthing at me. "Verity... come here." She hugged me as I just stood there. Feeling really empty. 'I'm going to stay in a hotel for a few days. I will text you though.' She said bye to Tobias. 'I'll see you soon buddy.' He waved bye as I jumped in the car. Trying not to cry as I drove, I looked at my boy. I loved him. Pete had called me. He wanted to know where I was. We eventually got to the hotel. Seeing Tobias asleep, I gently removed him from his car seat, kissing his forehead. I got a room, put down my bag. Laying Tobias down, I sat down on the little seat in the corner. Texting Anna..

Here at the hotel for the night. Has Ross said anything more about me?💔

She replied..

Yes. He said that you're a terrible mum. That Tobias isn't happy with you or your dad. He also mentioned your illness.. saying that you're always taking the tablets, not eating.. xx

I just had to stop myself from crying. Placing my hands over my face. That was private between me and him. I can't believe that he told the social worker that. I saw Tobias wake up. Stroking his cheek, he sat up. 'Mummy?' I sat on the bed, cuddling him. 'Where's Granddad?' I kept him close. "He's at home with Auntie Megan." I just wanted to protect him. Love him. "Would you like something to eat baby?" He said  no. "Where's Matty?" I forgot to even call him. An unknown number popped up on my phone. I wished my mum was here to help me.

I went into the corridor to retrieve the call. It rang 3 times.. then all I heard was someone breathing.. deeply. "Who is this?" I had a feeling that it was Ross. "Ross? Is that you?" He cleared his throat. "Yes. It is me V. I know you've gone with my son. The soical worker knows everything." I felt so scared. Sick. "I bet she doesn't know that you're into drugs though right? I gave birth to my son alone! As far as he is concered, he only has a mother, two uncles, a granddad and 3 aunties. You only cared when I was ok and stable with my health. You enjoyed having drugs in your system more!" Silence... I was right. He didn't deny it. 'How can you think that I would EVER hurt or harm Tobias in any way? You hurting Matty was the last straw for me. I'm going to get a protection order put in place for Tobias. I don't know what you'll do next.'

I ended the call. Calling Matty back, he was surprised that he heard from me. 'Are you alright?' I breathed out. 'Much better. Ross just called me. I told him that I am going to get a protection order put in place for Tobias.' Matty also said that Moira told him about me being away for a few days. 'I'm really worried about you. You've done the right thing. Can I come and see you?' I really liked Matty. "Of course. I'll be outside the entrance." I picked Tobias up, walking down the stairs towards the entrance, I thought about the phonecall. I disliked him. I felt the love fluttering away..

"Hi mate." I liked Matty so much. Yes. Like liked him. "Matty!" He picked him up, hugging him.. looking at me. "How are you really doing? We sat on the bench across the road. "Confused. Stupid." Matty made Tobias laugh.. making funny faces. "When I told you that I have feelings for you, I meant it. Mum also thinks that you're a lovely girl." I blushed at what he had just said. My phone went off.. looking at the text.

Does he know?

All the time. My illness was at the forefront. Ross was destroying me. Piece by piece.. Matty saw my cheeks turn a weird colour. 'Is that him who's just texted?" I couldn't deny it. "Mummy! Mummy!! Will he come to find us?" Seeing my little boy crying made me fearful. "No mate.. he's not coming anywhere near you or mummy." Matty comforted him.

Once I had settled Tobias, I stood out the door with Matty. "Let me help you." He was really sweet. Kind. Caring. "You are really understanding. Do you know that?" He shrugged his shoulders.. "I'm ok." I kissed his cheek. "Thankyou for tonight. My little monster seems to like you." He kinda blushed!! He was really cute. "I'll ring you tomorrow. See you." He walked out to the bus stop. I placed my hand on the door handle. Sitting down on the bed, I texted Anna..

I really like Matty. Like really like him.❤

I also messaged Pete..


I'm at a hotel in town. I'm sorry if I didn't contact you. I can't loose my boy. He misses you. Would you like to meet up for a coffee so that you can see him? Tomorrow morning maybe?🤗

I decided to have a quick shower. Getting my night clothes, I ran the water.. seeing Tobias growing up was such a joy. Feeling refreshed as I stepped in, thoughts just consumed my mind.. the last few hours. Draining.. so emotional. I got out of the shower, seeing my phone light up.

I dried myself.. seeing the replies from Anna, Pete and Matty..

Glad you're ok girl. Things will be ok. Ross doesn't deserve to get to know my little godson. He's just mean. Xxx

I jumped into bed.. feeling my eyes grow heavy. I hope that we would be ok.

Authors Note:

Thankyou for all the support so far. I'm really pleased with how this story has turned out. Sorry for the long wait in the chapter. I had run out of ideas and got a bit of writer's block... but I managed to write something. Hope you enjoy this chapter anyway!x


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