Chapter 12💗

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(Verity's P.O.V)
I felt so sick. Uncomfortable. Dad patted my forehead. "You're doing so well my baby girl." I felt my contractions come and go "It really hurts..." I stood up, asked her if she wanted to me to get the midwife. 'Yesss..." Moira then took over as I went to find the midwife. "Hey you.." Moira took my hand. As I was on the gas and air, I felt a bit loopy.. "We have gifts for you and the baby. Chas got all the girls together.." I screamed... "This baby has to come OUT NOW!" Moira said that I was going to be an amazing mum... "Take my hand." I wanted to know where my boyfriend was.. Once Dad had come back, the midwife checked how dialited I was.. "You're about 8cm.. listen to me Verity, you're doing very well.' The midwife held my hands as I said that I can feel the contraction..

Moira and Dad moved out of the way.. They both stood on either sides of me. "You can do this..." Ross was pictured in my mind. "I.. can't. Do this.' I felt the pains come and go... 'Where is Ross?' As I closed my eyes to try and ease the pain, I heard whispers... 'He what?!' Then I heard the door open.. 'Hi Graham.. I got your text.' I turned over to see that it was Anna. 'Hiya..' I cried. 'Hey, you're doing really well.' She took over from Dad. Moira followed him outside. 'I don't where the hell Ross is.. he should be here.' Tears trickled down my cheek. Anna wiped them away.. 'I've been here 5 minutes and he is already being a typical guy.' I couldn't laugh as I was in pain. The nurse came back to check up on me. 'Hi Verity. I've come along with Emma.' Emma was my midwife. The nurse checked my stats and how far I was.. 'You're about ready to deliver this baby'.'

Emma held me up as she continued to talk me through breathing techniques and positions to sit in.. I could see Dad walking off. Moira came back in the hospital room. 'Your dad has gone to find Ross.' The next few hours felt so slow.. 'Come on Verity. Your baby is nearly here..' Moira was holding my hand along with Anna.. 'Erugh! I can't do this!' Moira said that she could see the head... 'Just a few more pushes Verity..' Emma said to just pant, breathe and stay calm. 'You're doing really well. I just need you to push...' I pushed. 'Here he is!' I cried as Moira said how well I did.. 'Eeeek!' Anna saw the nurse hand him over. 'Well done.' Ross missed the birth of our child. I just looked at my baby's brown eyes. 'It's so lovely to meet you..' I kissed his little cheek. He smelt so sweet. 'I'll tell your dad the news. I also need to tell Cain.'

I let Anna hold him. I felt like I was so confused, erratic, unloved.. Dad eventually came back to the hospital. 'He's really cute. Yes you are.' Dad knocked on.. I told him to come in. 'Well done sweetheart. I'm very proud of you.' I kissed Dad on the cheek. 'I spoke to Ross. He's been drinking, lying to you..' I just felt so empty now. I looked over at our little baby. He seemed so innocent already. What would I even do? Dad sat next to me..asking if he could have a hold. 'Here we go.." He cried a tiny bit.

"Hello you. I'm your granddad. Yes.. you are going to be trouble." I giggled at that comment. "Do you think so?" I sat up a bit as Anna's phone rang. "Hello? Yes.. Will." She said that she'd be outside. "Anyway Dad.. how's Megan?" His head shot up. "How did you know about that?" As I heard my little boy cry, Dad handed him over.. I unlatched just as the midwife came back in. "Oh hi." I said that he had just woken up. "I'm surprised that he's so quiet." The nurse advised me on breast feeding. "Just let him latch on when he's ready."

"He seems like a very hungry boy." I couldn't stop looking at him. "So.. you wanted to know who Megan is huh?" Dad blushed a bit.. "We are seeing one another. She's been helping me with some things." I could tell that Dad liked her. My little boy stopped feeding eventually. "There we go.." I held him up for burping.. he started gurgling. Just looking at him made me melt inside. "There we go hey.." His big eyes just looked back at me. I wanted to see my boyfriend. Anna came back eventually!🤣 "where have you been? You were ages!"

Dad offered to get some drinks. "I have just spoken to Will." My eyes went wide. "I know.." Anna sighed. "He said he wants to see me again." I gestured.. she knew what I meant. "Yeah." I smirked as she checked on our baby. "I do like him a lot though. I just cannot figure out my own feelings." I really wanted to tell Dad and Anna the name.. but I wanted to wait a bit longer.

"Sorry I took so long sweetie." Dad sat back down and handed me a coffee. "Megan just texted me. Moira also said that she's at home." I wanted to know what Megan said!

"She said that she may pop back to the house later." Dad's cheeks flushed as he sipped his coffee. "Ahh. She sounds lovely." Dad kissed our little boy goodbye, kissed me on the cheek. He also said that he would ask the nurse when I would be allowed home. I heard my phone ring. It was a number that I didn't recognise. 'Hello?' Checking up on my little boy, I heard a cough. 'Hiya. It's Finn. Ross has gotten in to a bit of an accident. He's on the pavement.' I sat up quickly.. Anna noticed how my hands were. 'He's been fooling around, being high whilst I was giving birth to our baby! Not to mention him not texting or calling.' Finn advised me to calm down. 'I know you're angry, frustrated. Let me talk to him.' I couldn't function right now. 'Yeah. Thanks Finn.' I heard him crying again. 'Oooo... what's wrong hey?' Anna packed up and kissed my cheek. 'I'm going to go and get some rest. I'll call you later.' She kissed my little boy. 'He's so gorgeous.'

Once she had gone, it was just me and my little lad. 'You're going to grow up in a village. You have lots of aunties. 2 uncles, a daddy that Mummy needs to figure things out with. Also, a granddad is very excited to watch you grow up too.' I wanted to just eat.. throw up again. I hadn't eaten in a couple of hours. I was too focused on the stages of labour. I was now worrying if Ross was alright. Someone wasn't telling me something. That's how it felt. Tobias gurgled.. starting crying. I then felt the need to shed a few tears. I felt salty droplets on my mouth. Hearing him cry made it so much worse. He wanted to know his daddy.. Ross was stuck in a vicious cycle. He was fine a couple of days back. My phone went again. It was Moira.

How's your little bundle of joy?x

I managed to text her back.. just as squirmed in his sleep.

he's great thankyou. Heard about Ross. I feel like Dad isn't telling me something. I'm trying so hard to be strong. xx

He needed changing. The nurses had left nappies and sacks for me. He squirmed.. 'Aw darling.. I know.. I know..' Once I had finished, I cuddled him once again. If this was going to continue, I was going to have to make more choices. At about 9pm, the nurses came on their rounds, asked if I needed anything else. 'I'm ok thankyou. Glad he's gone off.' She laughed and said goodnight. Dad texted me along with Moira.

Glad you're staying strong. You'll be able to be back at home tomorrow i'm sure. See you tomorrow. x

Moira. x

I read Dad's message as well..

Sweetheart, I wanted to say how proud I am of you. I will protect you and little Tobias. Ross will not come near you. Sleep tight and I will pick you up tomorrow. xx

I felt a bit better. Letting my eyes close.. I went into dreamworld.

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