Chapter 7❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)

I saw 2 lines. I was pregnant. Was this even real? I picked up my phone. Seeing the voicemail icon. I listened to the message. "Hi sweetheart. I wanted to talk to you properly. I'm sorry for the way I acted. If we could just have a chat, I'd be so grateful. I love you." I ended the message. You should hear what he has to say. He could want to be part of your life. I opened the door, made my way back to the room as Ross looked at me. "It's positive." I sat back down. "Congratulations." I couldn't get it through my head. Ross held the test in his hands. "I'm going to be a dad again." I felt so scared.

"I'm going to refer you to a support group and a counsellor. You will be able to talk about what you're going through." I had to do this. For me and our baby. 'I'll help you through everything Verity. We can continue to take things slow." We thanked the nurse and made our way back to the village. Ross just looked so happy. "I know you're frightened V. I'm not leaving you." I just kissed him. I needed him to take care of me. "Thankyou." We got in the car. He couldn't stop staring at me. "You're really carrying my child?" I grinned. "Yes I am." His hand neared to my stomach. Touching it. "Let's go home."

Ross continued to tell me about possible things that we could do to help me with my eating. "I could try eat small portions. Just to help." We reached back to the village. Ross rushed to open the car door for me. "Ever the romantic." I made a funny face at him as he opened the front door. "Finn? Pete? Anybody here?" Silence.

"Looks like we've got the house to ourselves. Ross's arms encased me. I felt loved. Safe. "What do you wanna do?" I said eat. "I'm really hungry!" Ross giggled. He metioned cheese on toast. "I'd love that. I wanna change and freshen up first."

Ross held me as I looked at him. "Alright. I'll ring Auntie Moira. She probably wants to know how the appoiment went." I went upstairs. I took out some night clothes, got my towel and went into the bathroom. I felt the water cascade all over my body. Hearing that voicemail.. from my dad. Maybe he was really sorry.. my hands were on my stomach. I was offically growing a human inside of me. It was going to be hard. Really difficult.. but we were going to get through this. Me, Ross and our little snug bug. I stepped out of the shower, hearing Ross talking. Were Pete or Finn here? I went into our bedroom. Sorting myself out, I thought about maybe contacting my best friend. Her name was Anna. We'd been friends since we were like 6 years old. I'm 22 now. I just needed more emotional support. "Babe! Your cheese on toast is ready." I said to him that I'd be down in a minute. I had purchased some checked patterned pyjamas. I had odd bottoms though. That was alright. Ross would still think I looked stunning. I heard him laughing with Pete as I made my way downstairs.

"Hiya." I sat down at the kitchen table and got a piece of kitchen roll. "Hiya V. It's nice to see you again. How are you?" I picked up the piece of toast.. my fingers slightly shaking. Feeling the toast touch my lip made me feel nervous. Ross sat beside me. Taking my hand. "I've got you." He mouthed as I maganed to take a small bite. "I'm good thankyou. It's nice to see you too Pete. What have you been getting up to?"

Pete was talking about how he'd just been helping out on the farm, how he was living with Rhona. "Aw. That's nice." Pete said he had to go. "I'll see you later.' I finished my plate of food. Feeling full. Ross just said he was proud. "Well done. How about we take a walk into that lovely forest? That's near the village?" I said that would be great.

I dressed up in a comfy jumper and a long, buttoned up coat. "You look really pretty." Ross got ready as well. He wore a cute quilted coat with his jeans. He put on his shoes. "Are you ready?"

By 5pm, we were in the forest. "This walk is really nice." Ross's hand was attached to my stomach. "You are surely getting used to the idea aren't you?" He stopped.. mid- walk, taking my hands. "Yes I am. I've had plenty of practice with Moses. My dad will be over the moon." I spoke more about telling other people. "Moira will want to know. I'll talk to my dad about it. I just don't know how to tell him."

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