Chapter 24❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)

I settled my little boy and texted Moira.

He's just got a bit of a virus. Xx. How are you?😘

I relaxed myself on the sofa. Holding Tobias. I saw how much he wanted Ross. Moira replied.. I heard him sleeping..

Awh bless him. I'm great. Cain is alright as well. We are sort of ok. It's hard when he's hiding things from me.💔xx. I texted her back just as Tobias woke up. "Head is sore Mummy. Where's Granddad?" I said that he went home. "Do you wanna go sleep upstairs in your room sweetheart?" He grabbed me. "Yes please." I carried him upstairs. Just sitting with him.. hearing Ross in the shower. "I love you so much. Daddy just adores you." I settled him in bed.. just stroking my fingers through his hair. Ross knocked on, seeing his chest all soaked made my insides all funny. "You ok?" I said yes. "Just looking after him. Thankyou for today." I kissed him goodnight, closed off his bedroom door. Going into our bedroom, I took my jewellery off, stripping off.. Ross patted the duvet. "I love you. I love our life." Ross snuggled into me.

I kissed him slowly.. "Seeing Tobias all ill today made me feel like I just have to protect him. I have to protect him from my illness, from my crazy ways..' Ross turned to look at me. "You are getting better. Are you saying that you're struggling babe?" I admitted it.

"Yes I am. I don't feel safe. I don't feel in control.. when I see food, I just want to lock myself away. It's so difficult." He stroked my cheek. "Some days, I wanna just run. I'm surprised I've not done that yet." Ross said that I was being really strong. "You've been great. Talking to your dad, me, Moira. Anna has been really supportive." I agreed. "It has been really good to talk. Dad has seen a change in me since having Tobias. Our relationship has become stronger. I hope him and Megan made a decision on this baby.' Ross held my hands.. 'I'm sure that they will. I have a meeting tomorrow, then I am working at the garage as Cain is taking Moira out.' I leaned into him. My breath hitching in my throat.. He was my everything. Him kissing me filled my stomach with happiness. We slowly fell asleep. 'Love you.' He kissed my cheek. 'I love you too.'

Loving You Book 1 (Emmerdale)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant