Chapter 4❤

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(Ross's P.O.V)
I was laying awake.. thinking about what V was doing.. I probably know why she didn't tell me. She used to be so open. Her Mum and Dad would always be really worried about her. I remember her ringing me so late at night.

"Ross.. Mum and Dad have been arguing. I'm just really scared. Dad left before. I can't do it again.." Ross comforted me as he told me that everything would be fine. 'I just wish I could escape to yours... you're so far away." I heard a slam on the floor. My heart could not stop beating. "Verity.. Don't come downstairs. Just stay in your room sweetheart. Mum is just sleeping." I knew from that tone of his voice that something was SERIOUSLY wrong. "Babe! Are you still there?!' I shocked back into reality.. "Yes. I am. Ross asked me what was going on.

'I think my dad has hurt my mum. Like, really hurt her.' Ross asked me if I could open my bedroom door. "I can.. just a bit.' I held the handle. Still feeling really scared. "Is it open?" Ross couldn't stop asking questions. "Yes.' I felt my feet going down each step. Trying to keep the emotion at bay.. I saw my mum laying on the sofa. Her eyes open. "V?" I placed my hand to my mouth. Feeling the saltiness on my cheeks. "I think she's dead." I just let the phone slip out of my hand. Watched my mum just sleep peacefully..

I eventually came downstairs, made myself a cup of coffee and rang Moira. 'It's not like you to call me so early. Is everything alright?" Did she want half of the truth or the full truth? "No. V is being really quiet. Off. I sort of know what's happened." Moira asked me where she was. "She's sat on the stairs. I can hear her crying." Moira said to sit with her. "I'll be there soon." I said thankyou. As I walked into the hallway, she was sobbing. "Babe.. I'm here." I held her as her sobs continued. "Listen, your dad will not hurt you." Her eyes looked so glassy. "How do you know that? I'm trying not to damage my own health. Trying not to binge eat..." I held her. Tightly. "I've not eaten probably in 2 days. I feel so lost. Just thinking about that night.. over and over in my head." I kissed her. I wanted her to feel safe. Protected.

"The reason why I do it because I feel like I have control over something. Just one thing." I wanted to just say sorry for everything I put her through. Arguing with her, just pursuing her.. was really hard. "I just can't stop it. I don't feel beautiful. I don't feel good enough." I hugged her. I didn't know what else to do.

We were settling on the sofa.. holding on to one another. "I love you." I reached for her hand.. "I love you." I stroked her cheek. Hearing the door, V said she'd go and answer it. "Hiya." It was Moira. She moved to the side so she could let her in. I knew that she'd become defensive once Moira started talking.. "I'll give you two some space." I kissed V's cheek, leaving them both alone.

(Verity's P.O.V)
I sat back down on the sofa as Moira made herself a drink. "I know how you're feeling." She sat down beside me and just held me. As tears ran down my cheeks. "I just can't stop it. Every time, I eat. I hate myself." Moira just sat and listened. She didn't judge. "I don't feel beautiful. I'm surprised that Ross is still in love with me. I'm a mess." Moira mentioned that definitely was not true. "He's in love with you because you make him a better person. You are such a special person. Let me tell you something.." I drank more of my tea. "I was in such a bad state about a year ago. I have schizophrenia.' I asked how she handled her bad moments. 'I screamed, cried, asked Cain time and time again why it was happening to me. Hearing a voice, seeing the person next to me never got easier. I didn't want Cain to be near me. I'd only just had Issac a couple of months ago. I had to be in instant mother mode. Look after my little boy.'

I explained that me eating and making myself ill was a way of me dealing with all the stuff that was going around me. Moira asked why I thought that I wasn't beautiful. 'I just didn't. I had friends who were absolutely stunning. Who wore make up, had the most popular guys in school as their boyfriends. I was just the book loving nerd.' She giggled when I said that. 'Aw. But, look at you now. You have grown up so much. Ross clearly fancies you, loves you.' I still had to conquer letting go of the fears of him hurting me. 'He used to be a bit of a flirt. He loved chasing girls.. when he met you, he changed. He wanted to settle down, have a relaxed life. I could see him fall. Hard.' I just wanted to feel safe. 'I feel all giggly and shy around him. I experience just feeling really silly around him. Moira took her mug and placed it in the sink. 'My advice is just to take everything really slow.' I hugged her. 'Thankyou. You're really helpful.' She asked if I wanted to go and chill at her house. 'I'd love to.'

Once we'd got back to the house, Moira chilled out. 'Issac is going through a stage of being very noisy at the moment.' I smiled. 'He's so lovely. You're a brilliant mum.' She suggested maybe making a doctor's appointment. 'Maybe. I just need to keep it under control and try talking instead of shutting him out.' We started to chat more about her and Cain. 'I still love him. It's really difficult sometimes. He's like not telling me something. I just have this feeling. He's been really secretive, not talking to me, spending all night in here. Sat on his own. What should I do?' Just as I was about to respond, the door opened. 'I won't say anything.' I felt Ross's arms wrap around me. 'Sorry I took longer then I said babe. Oh.. looks like you've been talking.' Moira saw my cheeks flush. 'Everything is sorted on the farm as well Moira.' She thanked him. 'I'd better go. Thankyou again.' Ross grabbed my hand as we walked out. 'Love you.' I kissed him. 'You're all dirty Mr Barton.' Pushing him up against the wall in the alleyway, he licked his lips.. 'Well, I have been working on a car for the past few hours..' He kissed me. Feeling him against me felt so good. I felt myself wrapping my hand around his neck. His hands were all sweaty.. making the touch even more unbearable...

'You're truly amazing..' He lifted me up against the wall. I gasped. 'What if someone walks by?' He placed on my lips, kissing me... 'Let's live dangerously. We used to do that all the time..' I kissed him.. feeling his manhood stiffen.. 'Just go V... I can take it..' The next few hours were pure pleasure. 'I love you.' He buttoned up his shirt, nestling his neck into mine. 'Do you wanna go home?' I blushed. 'Yeah.'

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