Chapter 26❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)

Calling the ambulance.. I waited with Matty. 'Stay with me..' He was becoming weaker. I saw Dad walking with Megan. 'Matty!!!' I screamed as they ran towards me. 'What happened sweetheart? Are you ok?' Dad took over compressions as I cried. 'I left.. Tobias with Moira.. when I saw Ross attacking him.' Megan comforted me. 'Where's he gone?' I just felt so scared, sick... 'There we go Matty.' Dad managed to steady his breathing. 'I've called an ambulance.' I kneeled down to see that Matty had trickles of blood covering his face. 'I needed to tell you something.' He sounded tired, weak. The paramedics arrived. Giving them space.. Megan and Dad sat down with me.

'Where were you off to anyway?' I wanted to say my support group meeting, I was too in shock to even say it. 'It was nothing important. I just hope that he'll be ok.' As the paramedics placed Matty on a stretcher, I offered to call Cain and Moira. 'I'll go with him.' Megan went into the ambulance. 'You go and pack your stuff. You're not staying at the house on your own with my grandson tonight.' I took Dad's orders. As he walked to Cain and Moira's.. I went back to the house. Standing near the stairway. I just cried. I promised myself that I would look after myself. That I would become more healthier. I heard my phone ring. 'Hi. I need your help.' It was Anna. 'Alright.' I mentioned that I would explain at the hospital. 'I'm on my way over.'

I went upstairs, packing my stuff. My little boy's stuff.

I heard the door open. 'I'm upstairs.' All of my stuff was nearly packed. Anna came in.. finally caving in, I cried. Just let all the emotion out. 'Aw babe. I'll look after you. What are best friends for?' We packed the rest of my stuff. 'I've got my godson's stuff.' I forgot that I needed to text Pete. 'I'll do it when I have dropped my stuff off at Home Farm.' We drove over to Home Farm. Letting myself in, I felt a yawn come through. 'I'll help you.' We went up to my bedroom. Continuing to sort out my bits, Dad came upstairs with my sleeping child. 'Aw my baby.' I kissed him goodnight. 'I'll settle him in the spare room.' I thanked Dad. We spoke about the Will situation as I took my phone out. 'I may tell him.' My head lifted up. 'I knew that you would. Eventually.'

We told Dad that we were going to the hospital

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We told Dad that we were going to the hospital. 'I'll see you in a bit.' I hugged Dad. 'I'll also make another appointment to see my counsellor. I do want to continue in my recovery.' Dad rubbed my cheek. 'My little girl.' As we drove up to the hospital, my phone rang... an unknown number came up. 'I'm done.' Anna held my hand. 'I am always here. Remember that.' We walked to reception. 'He must of come in about an hour and half ago.' The receptionist said that Matty was in Room 8. We walked down the corridor. Cain was outside. 'Hi.' I felt so bad. Awful. 'Thankyou for what you did. Moira is really grateful.' Cain looked very intrigued at why Ross beat him up. "I have no idea. Matty said that he needed to tell me something. I can't do this with him any more. I'm done."

Cain asked me if he would be able to have a word with him. "Do what you want. I don't know where he is." I entered Matty's hospital room. Sitting next to Moira. "Hi." She hugged me.. hearing her cry wasn't nice. "Tobias is with Dad. Is he going to be ok?" Moira said the doctor came around earlier. "He's just got a bit of bruising. I'm sure he will fine though. How's Tobias? I think Issac is missing his little playmate.' I thought about him. 'He's fine thankyou. He misses him too. I'm going to be staying at Dad's. I just do not want to think about Ross right now.' We saw Matty's finger move slightly. 'You go and get the doctor.' Moira started crying. 'Hi Doctor Peterson. Matty has woken up.' As soon as I went back to the hospital room, he winced. 'Hi Matty. You do seem to have a bit of swelling, bruising.'

He looked really upset.. 'This was a mistake doctor.' I felt really angry, worked up.. 'It was not a mistake! My ex decided to beat up someone. Take his problems out by hitting, punching.' Moira held my hand. 'It's alright.' The doctor said that he would check back in later. 'Sorry about that.' Moira understood. 'You were just trying to protect my son.' He looked at me. Feeling all weird.. Moira's phone rang. 'It's Cain. I had better go and answer it.' She left the room as I sat nearer to him. 'You didn't have to do that for me. I had it handled.' He coughed, taking a sip of water. 'I just.. you know. I wanted to protect you.' I remembered that he wanted to tell me something. 'Oh yeah. I... just. I don't know how to say it.' He likes you. Do you like him too? How could he possibly like me? I have a child . I have issues.. 'I have feelings for you.' He what? Moira came back in.. "Cain is at the house looking after the boys.' I had to brush this off until we could be alone to talk.

'I had better go. I'll call you later." Moira kissed my cheek.. hugging me. 'Thank you for everything.' I walked home. Letting myself in, I knocked on the living room door. "Hi guys. Are you both ok?" Megan looked around. Asking if I was ok.. "Long story. I should be fine though. Are you guys ordering any food tonight?"

Dad said no. "Why?" I said that I was going to have a night to myself. "Ah alright. Are you sure that you're ok sweetie?" I said yes.

Megan didn't seem convinced.. I knew I could talk to her or Dad, but I would rather talk to my best friend about it. I made my way upstairs.. seeing Tobias sleep. "Mummy is home baby." I softly kissed his cheek.. pulling the blanket over his legs. I had a shower, put some night clothes on. Dialling Anna's number, she picked up on the 1st ring.  "Hi. I was actually waiting for your call. How's Matty?" I thought about what he said. "About that.." Anna squealed. "Did you kiss?" If only she knew. "No we didn't. He admitted that he had feelings for me.. I am still in shock. Ross hasn't seen his son for a couple of days. Going backwards and forwards like this is not a good example to Tobias.' I heard my phone beep. It was Matty. 'Can I call you back please?' She said that was ok. 'Hi.' He sounded happier. 'About earlier.. I shouldn't of just told you like that. I was dozed up with painkillers. How about I come over and see you when I'm discharged?' 

I had to really think about what he asked me. Ross was off again. I looked over at Tobias.. seeing him slowly wake up. 'Hello you. Mummy missed you.' He held on tightly to me.  'I played with Auntie Megan as Granddad had to work.' I cuddled him for a bit. Pizza, Nachos, or Chinese? I heard Megan coming upstairs. She popped her head in. 'Can I come in?' I agreed. 'I'm going to see Granddad.' My little boy walked downstairs. 'He sure is growing up.. before I know it, he'll be all grown up, wondering why his dad is not around. Megan reassured me. 'Tobias is a strong, little lad. He will love you regardless.. so, what is happening with Matty?' 

We chatted for the whole evening (Pizza included!) 'Well, I did not expect him to say that. He's lovely.. really nice. I have just, kinda ended things with the father of my child. I will obviously still adore Ross. I just do not think that I can go through more meaningless sex. He changes too much as well. A few months ago, he said that he was going to seek help for his problems. I was willing to help him." Megan ate more of the pizza. Trying to advise me. "You felt like you had to help him. My advice is to listen to him. I know you are frustrated and angry.. but do it for Tobias. He deserves a relationship with his dad. Just have boundaries. He will not be able to get into your head, say that you want  to go back to co-parenting for Tobias.' I had a lot to think about. 'Anyway.. I would love to know more about my possible brother or sister.'

She looked happier about it. 'Your dad has been very supportive. I'm now trying to figure out how we can decorate, accommodate.' I was guessing that she was planning to keep the little baby? I accidentally squealed! "It's going to be so exciting.' When it got to about 11pm, Megan yawned.. "I had better get to bed. Your dad will be waiting for me. It was really lovely to chat. Night.' I took the rubbish downstairs, putting it in the bin. I saw a text on my phone. From Matty.♡

Take all the time that you need. I hope Tobias is ok. X

I wanted to be single for a bit. Take Megan's advice. Co parent. Lay down rules.

Verity. Come on babe.. please, just talk to me. I miss you. Xx

I didn't reply to his message. Going back upstairs.. I replied to Matty's text.

He's doing good thank you. I hope you're slowly recovering. I'll come and see you tomorrow.😊

I checked on Tobias, seeing that he was fast off, I rubbed my hands through his hair, snuggling up to him.. I whispered in his ear, 'everything is going to be ok baby boy. I'll protect you.' I then closed my eyes.

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