Chapter 15❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)
I walked up the steps.. feeling my stomach fill with butterflies. I hadn't seen Ross in less then 3 days. I knocked on the door. Made sure my hair looked alright. "Hi." I smiled at him as he moved aside to let me in. He offered to make drinks. "Just a lemonade please. " I smelt something familiar. He'd really gone to the effort. A rose on the table in a vase. Little candles. He sat beside me, handed me my drink.. "I.." I giggled. "You go first." The thing is, he's so hard to forget. He's the father of Tobias.

"I just wanted to apologise. For just going off, leaving you like that. I just had moments of doubt." I sipped my drink. Feeling really nervous, my hand reached his. "I just doubted myself as a father. I've not been great with Moses. I was a mess. Charity had to take him for a few of my days and weekends. I couldn't figure things out." I felt myself warming to him again.. hearing my phone go, I sighed. "Sorry."

It was a text from Moira..

How's it going?X😊

I smiled. It was nice of her to see how I was getting on. Ross went to go and check on the dinner as I walked to the table.  "I've cooked up a lasagne. I know it's your favourite." I was really surprised. We spoke a bit more about us..

"I have missed you. Tobias looks like you. He's been fab. Dad loves him to pieces." He stared at me.. like STARED at me. "You look really good V. I've just been thinking how to make things up to you." He saw that the food was now ready and I helped him set up. "Are you going to be alright?" It was really sweet that he  was still concerned about my eating.

"Yes. I am trying." We laughed a lot.. it seemed like old times. I forgot to text Moira back.. I whipped my phone out quickly.

It seems to be going well. Xxx

"I would like to start again. We can go as slow as you want." Trying again. We did that before. I jumped in too quickly. "I would like that as well. We just have another person to think about." Ross said that he would like to meet our son. "I just wanna meet him. Then, we can go from there." I accepted. "Have you still got the Grey's Anatomy boxset?" He laughed..

"Yes I saved it for you." He looked me up and down.. "You look beautiful by the way." I may have blushed. A tiny bit..

As I started the next episode, I texted Moira back..

It's going really well. Just friendly. We are trying to figure things out.❤

He brought over some glasses and a bottle of my favourite wine. "I may not drink tonight.. I have to be up early in the morning as Tobias thinks it's funny to wake me up at 4am." Ross sat on the other seat as I became comfy.. I giggled, cried and gasped at each moment. Ross laughed a bit. At about 9.10pm, I yawned. "I'd better go. I'm shattered. The more I glanced at him, the more I wanted to kiss him.

"See you tomorrow V. I'll text you." I opened the door. Feeling my hands go all sweaty.. that was way harder then I thought it would be!

Knocking on the front door of Home Farm, I heard a voice.. typical Dad trying to be all secretive!😆😉 "Hiya. Me and Megan were just.." I didn't even want to say anything! "How was it?" I huffed. "It was actually alright. Was my little boy good for you and your girlfriend?"

Dad said he was good as gold. "Megan even sat with him.. played with him for a bit. He missed you though." I put my bag down, hugged Dad and went upstairs. "Night. I love you."

I saw my little boy sleeping in his cot. Looking all adorable and comfortable. I went to get my night clothes. Slipping them on, Anna called me. "Hiya. So, how was it?" I sighed.. "It actally went well. We've decided to co-parent. He cooked us a nice meal. We almost kissed.. well, sort of. "Did you?" I felt my stomach go all crazy.. "Yeah. He decided that he needs help regarding his demons and that he will try to be a better parent."

Anna said that sounded so grown up of him. "Tobias is totes cute by the way." I thought about him just doing new, little things every day. "He's so dreamy. Do you wanna meet tomorrow for a cofffee?" I said yes. "Just text me the time and I'll meet you." She said goodnight. I felt my eyes close.. this was the right choice for now. I had to focus on Tobias.

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