Chapter 23❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)
I knocked on Moira's front door. She opened it. Instantly noticing the smile on my face. "Guessing you had fun?" She handed Tobias over to me. Seeing him sleep. "Yes. Taking it slow. Thankyou for looking after him." She said that he was no trouble. "Good night. Call me if you need anything." I headed off back to the house. Just as I got text messages from Dad and Anna.

How was it?Xx I wanna know all the deets!!😏❤😏💕 Anna. Xxx

Hope your date went well. Would you like to come over tomorrow?😊

Dad. Xx

I placed Tobias in bed.. seeing Ross in the bathroom. "Hiya. I just thought that I would have a clean shave and just groom." I went to go and prep for a shower. "Moira said that Issac loved playing with our little boy. Dad wants to see us tomorrow." I replied to Anna's message.

It was honestly lovely. We just chatted. I had butterflies.. again. Where's Will? I've not heard from him.😊xx

I sat on the sofa.. just relaxing. Taking in everything that had happened. Anna texted back..

Ahhh. I'm so happy for you. Xx. He's going back home.💕

I sat up quickly...why did it feel like he was leaving because of me? I put my shoes on.. stood up.. did my hair. "Back in a bit!" Ross shouted. "Alright." I ran.. seeing him go to the bus stop. "Will!!!" He turned.. smiling at me. "Why are you leaving?" He stood there. That goofy smile.. "I can't stay. I.." I folded my arms.. "I love Anna. Like really love her. She doesn't even notice though. You have Ross. And your son is beautiful." I sat down with him..

"I came back to think things through. When we used to all hang out, we were young. I never got to tell her. She was intent on making a life for herself.. I took Will's hand. "I know that she's been through hell. You are such an awesome person." He smirked. "I've messed up. She doesn't even notice me. Seeing her that one time made me all giggly and nervous. She's really pretty." I asked him if he's told her any of this. "I've not had the chance to. You've heard her metion that she's not ready for love yet. She's taking her time." I remember her saying that.

"She does enjoy being friends with you though. You two do have chemistry. You're my best friends." Hearing my phone go.. I stood up. "It's Ross." Answering the phone, he explained that Tobias was crying.. "On my way." Will saw me look uneasy. "Tobias is crying. I had better go." Will chased after me. "Awww baby.. what's wrong?" Will asked if he could check him over. "I forgot that you are a trainee doctor." Ross helped him sort him out.

"I think I should check him out." Will gave him a quick checkup. He whimpered. "It's alright baby.. daddy's here with Mummy." Will said that he may have an infection. "He has been coughing quite a bit.' Ross looked at me.. "I've noticed that he's been clingy, crying a lot.." I held on to him..

We drove up to the hospital. "Our little boy needs help!" I held on to him as a doctor took him. "I'll ring your dad. You go with him." I just held my boy as he started to settle down. 'He's got a bit of a high tempauture. He may have a bit of a fever." I calmed down a bit as Ross came through to the cubicle. "Your dad is on his way. How is he?" He stroked his fingers through his hair. "Mummy... tummy hurts." I felt so bad for him. Dad came through eventually.

"Hiya champ. Feeling poorly?" He snuggled into him. "He's just got an infection. We can give him antibiotics." Ross hugged me.. making me feel safe. He thanked Will. "He'll be fine in a couple of days." Dad took him outside as me and Ross walked to the corridor. "That was really scary. He just wanted his daddy." Ross held on to my hands.. making me feel a bit better. "He's going to be fine. I've got you." He squeezed my hands.. his touch always made me feel safe. "Mummy.." I turned around. Seeing Tobias reach for me. "So glad that you're alright baby." Dad rubbed my back.

"Megan is alright by the way. We spent a entire night talking through things. We have decided to keep the baby. She actually has her appoiment on Friday." Dad said that he would pop into the house when we got back.

"I love you." I thanked him. "Thanks Dad." We then got in the car and made our way home.

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