Chapter 14❤

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(Ross's P.O.V)
I laid there.. thinking about the past few weeks.. how I stupidly missed the birth of my son. How idiotic I was to ask for more drugs. Finn found me laying on a pavement. I missed the birth of my son. I heard from Moira that Verity had been discharged from hospital. I didn't know what to think... She probably hates me. I got myself dressed, had something to eat. Then, I heard Pete and Finn talking..

"She's got our newphew, and he decides to go and buy drugs.. He was changing for her. What can we do?" Finn said silmilar things. I went out. Seeing Moira, I walked quicker..

"Hey!" She shouted for me. "I know what you're gonna say. Yes, I feel bad. Yes. I miss her. You know where she's staying don't you?" Moira stood in front of me.. "No. I don't know. Because she's not returned my calls or texted me back." Moira told me that my son is beautiful. "She needed you. She was asking for you. Graham offered her room back at Home Farm. I felt so bad. Awful. "Ross. I know you need to conquer this addiction. She's trying to stay strong for the little boy."

We went to sit down near the park. "I just cannot deal with everything that's happened. When she came back, it felt like my mind went on rewind. Everything we went through.. the arguments, her keeping secrets from me.." I felt myself breaking. Moira placed her hand over my hand. "You've both done things that you are not proud of. I can tell that you really love her. She loves you too." Moira advised me to do something speical for her. "She loves the colour red. Maybe I should take her to the Woolpack?" Moira said that sounded good. "I could text her asking her if she would like to grab a coffee?" Ross said he was going to get things sorted.

"Thanks Auntie. Let me know what she says. I've got things to organize!" He ran off towards the pub looking a bit happier. I decided to text Verity along with Anna.

Hiya hun,
What time are you meeting Megan?x

I got back to the house just in time for a cup of tea with my love. "Hello you." I kissed him. "I missed you today." He snuggled me. She texted me back..

I'm just about to leave now? Why?😉x

I quickly texted her back...

Meet me at my house. Tonight. At 6pm.  Have fun with Megan and Tobias. Xxx

(Verity's P.O.V)
Megan met me outside Home Farm. I decided to put Tobias in a one piece with a little wooly hat.😍 I sorted out his bottles, extra nappies and some other peices. "Hiya." She hugged me. "It's lovely to meet you." She helped me out with Tobias as we jumped in the car. "So, tell me more about you Megan." As she drove, she told me more about her job. "I run a wedding planning buisness. It's a little shop in the village." I checked on Tobias. "He's really cute." I said thankyou. We got to a coffee shop in Hotten. "I'll check on him." As I got out, my phone buzzed. It was Anna.

I'm supposed to meet you at Moira's later. I'll see you then.❤❤❤

What was going on?

I grabbed Tobias's car seat, his bag and went to sit down.. I stroked my little boy's cheek. He was too handsome. He kept gurgling.. then he started to cry. I picked him up, comforting him. Megan came back with coffees.. "Aw. Is the little man hungry?" She smiled as she sipped her coffee. "He may be." I took out his bottle, checked it. He then started drinking it.

"I hear that you're Ross's girlfriend then?" I focused on Tobias for a bit longer then needed.. "Yes. Well, it's complicated. I lived on my own for a bit. After Mum died, Dad was very vunerable. Being around him was like tending to glass.." Tobias cried a little bit as I put him over my shoulder, getting ready to burp him. "Ooo.. there we go swetie." He giggled a bit.

"After the accident, he was very vunerable. I do like your dad. A lot. He just needs support." I fully agreed. "I like you Megan. Thanks for today. It's been nice getting to know you."

She advised me on what to do about Ross. "Because you've got Tobias, it's much more difficult. If you wanna hear him out, that's up to you. I learnt the hard way with my little girl." I kissed and rubbed his chubby cheeks.

We then went to look around in a couple of shops.. looking at tops, shoes and rings! "Megan!" She came over and gasped. "This is stunning." The ring was silver and it sparkled so much. "Let me send that picture to your dad!" I laughed as Tobias looked at me. "Hey you..." He made more noises.. he smiled. Seeing him smile was magical. She sent off the picture.

I saw more tops and the shop had lots of shoes! I hadn't thought about tops in a long time since.... I just didn't feel good enough to wear anything. But, maybe I would treat myself. I saw a cute black top which had sparkles on the sleeves..

I got another text message!😌

Time's ticking! Moira. Xx

We got back to the village in time. Megan dropped in at Home Farm. "Well.. you ladies look like you've had fun." Dad kissed her cheek as I put my bags down. "Hey little man. Granddad missed you." Dad picked him up, taking him into the living room. "Well, that's me sorted." Megan told me to text her after my little surprise night. "I will." She left just as I was going upstairs. "Oh.. Dad." He came upstairs with Tobias.

"I had fun today. I can tell that Megan really likes you." He may have blushed a tiny bit. "Well, she's lovely. Little man here is missing his daddy I think." I saw his face crinkle.. he then cried. It broke my heart.. as I got ready, I got my bag as my phone rang again. I also got stuff just in case.. you know!😆😋😉

"See you later or tomorrow sweetheart." What did Dad mean by that?!

I got to Moira's and she shut the door. "I've got make up. Anna is upstairs."

She helped me get ready and said I looked lovely. 'Thanks." Anna gasped when she saw me. "You are one hot Mummy!!" I kissed her cheek. "I love you lots." She said my make up was gorgeous. "I also love the top." They both seemed very secretive..😉 "What's going on?" I was so not stupid! "Nothing. Go on then! Your date won't wait forever!"

"Before you say it, I will text you every few hours to tell you how Tobias is. Have fun on your date." She practically pushed me out the door. "I hope she has fun Anna." Moira was the sweetest!

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