Chapter 10❤

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(Verity's P.O.V)
I was really tired. I had another scan today. Was last night a dream? I turned over to the other side of the bed. Ross wasn't there. That was very strange. I saw my phone flashing. I got texts messages from Anna, Dad and Moira. I read the messages from Moira and Anna.

Hope you're feeling a bit better. I've decided to talk to Cain. I'll let you know how it goes. I also hope you're feeling better. Xx💗

I replied to her as I heard a knock at the door. It was like 7am. I put my dressing gown on. I was now huge! I made my way down the stairs slowly...

"Surprise!!!" Oh.. I was so glad to see Anna. "Hi." She just knew that I needed a hug. We went into the living room. "Well.. congrats! I'm really happy for you babe." I waddled over to grab a biscuit. "I'm starving." Anna laughed as I sat at the kitchen table. "So.. what's been going on with you?" She rollled her eyes. "Well.. I broke up with Will." I nearly choked on my biscuit. "Will?!" She bit her lip. "Anna!" She laughed a bit.. "Tell me. Everything."

She started to explain the situation. "I moved into my flat. I was all fine. On my own, focusing on my job." I placed my hand out.. "And?" She hit me playfully.. "Hey! Pregnant woman here.." I smiled. "I met him, got to know him.. end of story." I said that was not the end of it. I heard the front door go. "V!" Ross walked in... with a bunch of flowers. "Aw. You sweetheart. Sorry. I should introduce you guys. This is Anna." He shook her hand. Anna winked at me. I felt my legs go all funny. "Nice to meet you."

We all got to know one another. As I sat on Ross's knee, he kissed my shoulder. "Can you guys stop?! Ewww!" I raised my eyebrows. "What took you so long anyway?" I turned to look into my boyfriend's eyes.. "I just have to talk to Pete and Finn. I'll leave you girls to it. Nice to meet you Anna."

I put the flowers into a vase.. smiling at the thought that he'd put into the gift. "He's really sweet." I know he was. "Anyway.. as I was saying, I got to know him, he asked me out.. we went out on a few dates." I got what she was saying. "You just didn't like him in that way did you?" She agreed. "No. He wanted to go further. I didn't."

My phone then bleeped. Seeing the name on my phone screen. It was Finn...

Help. I need help.

I rang Pete. "Did he say what was up?" I said no. "I'll find him. Thanks for letting me know Verity." I sat down again. "Can I have a feel?" I said yes. "Are you feeling broody hun?" I giggled. "I dunno. Maybe.. when I meet the right person." Anna said she felt a kick. "It's such a magical feeling. We cannot wait to find out what the gender is." Anna said that she cannot wait to become an Auntie. She then metioned that she would book into the B+B across the village. "I'll text you later. I'm really tired. Love you lots." She kissed my cheek.. "Love you too." She said that she loved her new newphew or neice. "He or she loves you too."

I sat on the stairs.. wondering where Ross had to rush off to. What wasn't he telling me? Just to even think about decorating the baby's room sounded so nice. I couldn't wait. Ross just had to tell me what was going on. I texted him, got some clothes out.. and got ready to go for my scan.

On my way. Sorry for being long. Xx.

I managed to put my shoes on.  I got my bag just as Ross stepped through the door. "Where's Anna?" I said that she went to book in at the B+B. "Oh ok." We stepped out of the door, got in the car and made our way to the hospital.

Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to WriterFromEngland! She's just been absolutely fab at supporting me with this story and Thank you again for the video. I will be uploading it in a further chapter. I love it so much. Keep doing what you're doing.💗

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